It’s been 14 weeks since I ran…3 1/2 months!
This has been the longest break that I have ever taken from running since I started distance running 18 years ago. I’m getting closer to recovered but still not there.
If you’re new to this blog, you can read my story in Runner’s World HERE. I was interviewed a few weeks ago for the article. This post, this post, and this post are also a great place to catch up. I was an avid marathoner, running 3-4 marathons a year, and was well into training for the Antarctica Marathon when I broke my tibia and fibula on a wintry Minneapolis run. My trip was cancelled, I had surgery on my leg/ankle, and now have a plate and 10 screws in my leg. I’ve been documenting my recovery here in my weekly recaps on the road to (hopefully) get back to running marathons again.
(Also- if you just stop in for the link-up, be sure to check out this post, the first in a series, of crowd-sourced BEST RUNNING GEAR! I’m looking for more volunteers if you’re interested in sharing your favorites on here! I’m also turning it into a link-up if you want to write yours on your blog and link-up! The link-up will be open all summer.)
On to the weekly recap…
Monday: PT appointment that included more time on the Alter-G, i.e. the zero-gravity treadmill. Since my leg was sore/more swollen after the two Alter-G sessions last week, my PT didn’t increase duration or percentage of body weight, but kept things the same for this session.
After work, I swam 2,000 yards
Tuesday: Elliptical for 45 minutes, PT exercises/strength at the gym.
That evening, we met up with my brother-in-law for dinner at Hola Arepa; he was in town for work. We played a little skee-ball at Pat’s Tap afterwards as well.
Wednesday: solidcore class (50 minutes), swam 2,000 yards after work
Thursday: solidcore class (50 minutes), 1 hour class at Barre3 in Edina
Friday: 45 minutes of elliptical, 10 minutes of stair stepper, PT exercises/strength, and then a PT appointment at Mayo later in the day, which included 2.22 miles total on the Alter G!
It felt great to use my pretty Garmin for what I truly bought it for- running.
I made it up to 85% of my weight with 2 minutes on, 1 minute walking. Worked up an actual sweat!
After work, a college friend was in town for a wedding so we met up at LynLake Brewery and then moved over to Moto-I for a drink. It was great to reminisce about fun college stories.
It’s been in the 90’s here in Minneapolis, so it was pretty hot sitting outside on the rooftop patio, but we Minnesotans don’t care. We’re just happy to be outside!
Saturday: The JB double! 50 minute solidcore class followed by 45 minute spin class at Surge Cycle.
I spent a little time at the Calhoun Beach Club pool after working out, before it got too crazy crowded; love my summersalt one shoulder suit, though it gives you odd tan lines!
It was a HOT day in Minneapolis; we took Tilda for a long walk and she had to get into Lake Calhoun to cool down and she’s not usually a fan of the water.
Later in the afternoon, we decided to use our Sidewalk Dog “Pup Pass”- this was a $20/pass for a beer at about 10 different dog-friendly breweries, good for the whole year! We never have made our way to all the breweries on the list, but it’s for a good cause!
Our friends who are the dog-parents to Breck, the golden we often dog-sit, joined us as well at Wild Minds Artisan Ales.
Though she may not look it in this picture, I swear Tilda was excited to hang out with her buddy!
Sunday: solidcore class
Summary: 4 solidcore classes (I think that’s a record for me. 4 is a lot in a week!), 2 swimming workouts, 2 elliptical workouts, 2 PT sessions, 1 spin class, 1 barre class.
Just a totally random mix..trying to do what I can to stay in shape during this non-running, (never-ending!) period.
It sounds like I will have about 2 weeks more on the Alter-G before I should be running at 100% of my body weight. At that point, I’ll be able to run on the treadmill, but only doing similar 2 min run/1 min walk at first like I do on the Alter-G. I have a follow up appointment June 5 with my surgeon as well for more X-rays to ensure that everything is healing correctly now that we are starting to put impact on the bone with the Alter-G. Hopefully I will be told that all is healed and all clear to build back to running with no worries!
As always, I’m linking up with HoHo Runs and Taking the Long Way Home for their weekly wrap. Check it out!
Ah you really are so much closer to running now. You’ve kept your body strong and so long as you take your time and are careful I’m sure it will be fine. I know how hard the starting again part can be, but you’ve got this!
Thanks Allison! I feel like I have stayed active, but running is a whole other thing. It will be a tough comeback. I have a feeling it will be quite some time before I’m back to where I was prior to the incident.
You’ve done superior job of mixing it up and staying in shape! It must have really felt good to run and work up a sweat doing so! My fingers are crossed that your follow-up appointment goes well and tests show everything has healed properly. The Pup Pass sounds like a great idea. Thanks for linking!
It did feel great to “run” even if only at a % of weight. Still got a little bit of a runner’s high!
Hooray for the Alter-G and some solid cross training. I know you say you’re not really running but Alter-G is pretty close. I hope that everything is healing well and it sounds like your PT is pretty smart and awesome that they are incorporating the Alter-G with your recovery to get you back to the sport (not all PTs are super sport specific). I love the one shoulder swimsuit too- I get it with the tan lines, but soon maybe you’ll have some running tan lines to add to them, right? ;).
Thanks Amy! I’ve been really happy with the two PT’s I work with at Mayo. One was a competitive runner in college and the other is a recreational runner who understands how important it is for me to get back to it safely! They are fantastic 🙂
I just have to say again, that Alter-G thing is pretty cool. After my knee surgery and period of non-weight bearing and then PT, I was pretty darn terrified when my surgeon told me I could start running agin. Hell, I was terrified when he took the crutches away. LOL It’ll be so awesome when you are running at 100% bodyweight!!
Thanks Jennifer! Yes the Alter G is pretty awesome! I think it’s a great tool for recovery
yay!!! More progress! A co-worker had to train on an Alter-G last year following a major hamstring injury. It sounds like it’s been working well for you 😉
My PT suggested that I come in outside of my 2x week appointments if I want to use it as my primary exercise. I think I will!
Time does seem to pass so slowly when you are injured! I used the Alter G when I had a stress fracture and it definitely made me feel like I was running. Hang in there! You are making lots of progress
Thanks Deborah. The Alter G is definitely a useful tool!
It’s getting close! I know you are so ready to get back on the road.
I checked out your link up and it looks like a great idea! I have a post I can link up. Thanks for sharing!
Great, glad you can share your favorites!
Aww Tilda has a friend. It must have been hot for her to get in the water if she doesn’t normally like water. The pub crawl sounds fun that you can do with your pooch!
Ha, I guess I didn’t describe that very well- it wasn’t a pub crawl, just a pass that you purchase that you can use whenever you want 🙂 I couldn’t do a pub crawl anymore, I’m much too old!
That’s good news that you are hopefully just 2 weeks out from running again! Fingers crossed everything goes well at your next appointment!
Thank you Lisa! I hope all is healing as it should be even with the increase in impact in the last few weeks 🙂
Cheers to progress on the Alter-G! That has to be encouraging although I know how eager you must be to get back to full-on running. I only ran on the Alter-G once but what a wonderful tool! It hit 100 here in Chicago yesterday with more in store and I’m not going to complain one bit. haha!
Chicago and Minneapolis seem to have very similar weather 🙂 I’m not complaining about the heat, especially after such a long winter!
You are so close to running! The Alter-G was a life saver coming back from my stress fracture. It helped build up my confidence that things were going to be ok. Once I started running outside, I followed a run/walk protocol for a few weeks and then took off running.
I’m glad you had such a great experience with the Alter-G! It sounds like your “comeback” to running is similar to what I expect mine to be like (hopefully!) Thanks for stopping by!
I am so impressed with your recovery and dedication to fitness! Keep up the good work, Jessie. I would be interested in volunteering for the crowd-sourced running gear, but I’m not running much right now, either. Looking forward to the next post in the series! 🙂 Also, I think an interesting post would be something about the unconventional treatments or equipment you used in your recover that many people don’t use or don’t have access to– such as the Alter-G treadmill, or the cryo-freeze ice tank thing… (see?! I don’t even know what to call it!) How do they work?… Read more »
Hi Katie! That’s a great idea for a post! Thanks for the idea 🙂
I would love to share your favorites, even if you’re not running as much as you used to. Shoot me an email !
Great Alter-G video! Happy to see the continued progress. It was definitely warm out this weekend! I at Dustin ran the Brian Kraft 5k. I had been thinking of running it, but when I saw the forecast I chose not to sign up. Hoping for a HM weather window in the next 2 weeks.
It was a tough day, even for a 5k. There was a guy ahead of Dustin speed wise who went down right around mile 2.5 where I was cheering. Really scary what that kind of heat can do to a person. Still a lot of incredibly fast times out there. Such a fast race. Fun to spectate too!
OMG YES YOU ARE RUNNING (even though you don’t think you are)!!!! SO close Jessie!