This post should really be named “how to deal with IT band syndrome,” as I feel like that was the focus of my week! (Actually, that’s not a bad idea for a post…stay tuned!)
Monday: Rest from running. Barre class after work at Pure Barre. I usually don’t go to Pure Barre; it’s not that I don’t like it, but the Barre Edina is more convenient and I like their classes just a little bit more (they do more arms/upper body and less core against the wall at the end, which is my least favorite part). Pure Barre is also a bit more expensive. But I needed to fit in a class and there is a Pure Barre franchise near my office and they had a class time that worked for me.
I was in a rush because we were meeting my brother-in-law at Butcher & the Boar downtown for dinner. He was in town for work, so we had a random Monday night out with him.
Good times, but I definitely am not used to eating that much MEAT. Uffda… Tuesday: Despite the belly full of meat, I managed to get up before work to run. Matilda was all kinds of pumped to run so I brought her along. 8 miles at an 8:43 min/mile pace. My IT band felt okay on this run. I had an appointment at Orthology and we talked about how it seemed like things were getting better! I just need to keep up with the glute/strength work, keep foam rolling, keep stretching, and I just might be on the mend.
Wednesday: Global Running Day! Dustin and I ran to the Athleta store at 50th/France for an organized group run from the store. A few friends from the Calhoun Beach Running Club joined us as well. It was just a casual run around the neighborhood and back to the store.
Then there was a drawing for a few prizes and I won a gift card to Athleta- woohoo! There’s so much cute stuff there; I love the Track this Run shorts, the Ready Set shorts, and this tank. I also always love their Chi tanks!
About 6 miles total of running to celebrate Global Running Day!
Thursday: 6 morning miles with my friend Christie and Matilda the vizsla. Matilda was excited about the rafter of turkeys that we saw (only managed to get one in the below picture) IT band was still sore, so I was looking forward to my second appointment of the week with Orthology. I also had a call with my coach, who recommended that due to the location of the pain (the knee) that I run on the treadmill instead up until Grandma’s. Downhill running outside can aggravate it more, so he thinks the best way to feel strong next weekend is by running on the treadmill until then.
I convinced him that it was okay to do my ‘long’ run on Saturday outside, but agreed to do more treadmill running (which is hard when its summer!) I went to a barre class at The Barre Edina after work. Barre is definitely helping.
Friday: 6 treadmill miles before work. After work, I met a friend at Steel Toe Brewing in St. Louis Park for a pint and to hear about her experience coaching runners.
I am now coaching a handful of marathon and half-marathon runners. I think those two distances will be my ‘specialty,’ though I would be open to coaching for other distances of course! Check out this page for more information.
Saturday: 10 mile run- last “longish” run before Grandma’s Marathon. The forecast in Minneapolis was for temperatures in the upper 90’s, so a few of the girls I run with decided to start at 7 am instead of 8 am. Our running club changes to 7 am in the summer, but not until after Grandma’s Marathon…they should consider switching on June 1, as it’s definitely summer weather here already!
Later that afternoon, we met up with a few friends to head to the grand re-opening of the Sculpture Garden. It looks much more open now, with several new pieces of art.
Later that evening, we headed to the West End to see Wonder Woman, which was much better than I expected!
Sunday: My friend Lindsey and I were signed up for Arms & Abs at [solidcore], but on the drive there, this terrible storm hit; we were barely a 1/2 mile from my house before we had to turn around. There was golf-ball sized hail, flying branches, crazy downpour, green skies….super scary! Lindsey doesn’t live more than a mile from me, but it was too bad to drive, so she hung out at my house for about an hour until the worst had passed.
I was able to switch to the 10 am class instead. The owner of [solidcore] credited us back the class we missed, which was greatly appreciated! I love [solidcore] but the classes are quite expensive, so I would hate to waste one. The 10 am class was great!
Summary: 36 miles of running, 2 barre classes, 1 solidcore class. Not a bad mix.
I’m really looking forward to running Grandma’s with my sister next weekend. I hope my IT band holds up; I also hope I’m in good enough shape to help her achieve her goal. After all, it seems like a lot happened between Boston and this marathon….I took a week off completely, then had a concussion, which kept me out of running for awhile. Then there was the trail half marathon during Dustin’s 50 miler, which seems to be when all this IT band pain started up. I did have a strong race at the Fast & the Furry, but was feeling a bit burned out after that (partly because of the IT band pain I’m sure). I did long runs of 14, 13, 17, 15, 14, and 10 miles between Boston and next weekend…. I hope that was enough!
Anyone else going to be in Duluth next weekend?
Let me know! I hope to run in to some of you there. And if you’re spectating, be sure to cheer for my sister Erin, please 🙂
Join Jess and me as usual for our weekly link-up, details below:
Love that you were able to celebrate Global Running Day with a great group run!
You had a great week or workouts! I’m sorry to hear about your ITB pain – I know it can really be annoying, especially when you try to do things to keep it happy.
A great holiday for people like us 🙂 We can celebrate the way we know best!
Yep, hoping the ITB is on the mend…slowly, slowly!
The IT band stuff is a bummer! You’re being smart about it though, and I hope you can get through the race. Good luck to you and your sister! Love Grandmas weekend! I’ve been battling plantar fasciitis for a while, and I’m hoping I can get through Grandmas and then I’m taking a much-needed break. Easier said than done though with running!
Oh, I have never had plantar…though I hope I never do 🙁 Sounds as frustrating as ITB issues. Hope you’re also able to make it through and then take a break!
I’ll be in Duluth running a very very very slow half. I’m hoping for good/cool weather, if the heat is anything like last year I’ll be experiencing my first DNF, which I guess everyone has at some point!
Running in last year’s temps is impossible! Fingers crossed for cooler Duluth temps for all runners 🙂
Hooray you were able to celebrate Global Running Day! I was so determined to go run that morning, it really helped knowing it was a day to run all around the world.
I really hope your IT band issue doesnt get in your way next weekend. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Yes, fun to celebrate with other runners around the world! Glad you also got to celebrate 🙂
UGH ITB pain is the WORST. I really hope it holds up for you. I will try to track you next weekend. I”d love to run Grandma’s one day. How is the weather looking??
I hope you do Grandma’s someday Jess! Til then, see you in November 🙂
Looks like you had a great week! Good luck at the race. Global Running Day is my favorite!
Thanks TJ!