Marathon #21 complete! State #16 checked off the list. On Saturday, February 27, I completed my 21st marathon, the BMO Harris Phoenix Marathon (i.e. often referred to as the "Mesa Marathon," and not to be confused with the Rock n Roll Phoenix Marathon) We flew into Phoenix Friday morning, arriving around noon. We headed straight to the expo. Expo: The marathon expo was held on Friday, February Continue Reading
Fitting Remarks: A Reflection on 2015.
As 2015 comes to its close, I decided to take some time and reflect on the year. I started 2015 on a three month work assignment to Singapore. I remember someone commenting then that it would be my "longest year ever" since I entered 2015 thirteen hours "earlier" than Minneapolis did, so I will get thirteen more hours this year, ha! I wouldn't say it ended up being a Continue Reading
Guest Post: My First Marathon Experience by Eric Roling
Last weekend, I was a happy spectator for the Twin Cities Marathon. Today, I'd like to share the story of Eric Roling, who was a happy runner at the Twin Cities Marathon last weekend. I met Eric through my blog and have been excited to follow his journey a bit as he prepared for his first marathon. I thought you might enjoy hearing a bit more about it. By Eric Roling: On Sunday, I Continue Reading
Fits Do Fitness Class Reviews: Solidcore Arms & Abs!
Last fall, I tried my first [solidcore] class. I LOVED it. Read all about it here. Since then, I have tried to take a class a week. I would love to do it more often. But it always leaves my legs pretty sore, so I found it challenging to fit it into my marathon training. Solution? [solidcore]'s Arms & Abs class! As a quick refresher... [solidcore] is a fitness studio offering classes Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: Tapering for Grandma’s Marathon 2015!
One week until Grandma's Marathon! Despite the broken toe, despite the less-than-ideal forecast, I'm still so excited! Any other Grandma's runners out there? How are you feeling? Here are some older posts I have written that might help you out this week as we approach Grandma's Marathon day! The Magical Taper Managing Race Morning Marathon Packing List Mental Toughness for the Marathon How Continue Reading
What I’m Excited About AFTER Grandma’s Marathon…
I'm the first to admit that my training for Grandma's Marathon was pretty intense. I ran a lot of miles and didn't have a lot of extra time for other activities. So I'm excited for after Grandma's, when I can get back to doing all those other things. I miss [solidcore]! I miss yoga! I miss paddle boarding! I miss kettlebells! My friend Ericka (the kettlebell instructor from this post) is Continue Reading
Q. Cumbers Restaurant, Corepower Yoga, and a Giveaway!
I have been logging quite a few weekly miles lately as I train for Grandma's Marathon. Rest, recovery, hydration, and diet are all more important than ever during this peak of marathon training season. But eating well is always a challenge; sometimes there's just not enough time in the day for meal prep. I work full time and usually try to bring my lunch from home, but it doesn't always work Continue Reading