So sorry to my link-up friends, as I am behind with my post this week, mostly because I wanted to get this recap of Jaipur up and now Dustin is here in Mumbai, so I just haven't had any downtime to blog. Better late than never! Here is how training for the NYC marathon went this week: Monday: My first run at my new hotel, located in Bandra Kurla. Since I didn't know my surroundings yet, I Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: 13 Weeks Until the New York City Marathon!
13 weeks until New York City- yikes! I do not feel prepared. Once again, training wasn't spectacular for my second week in India, though I tried my came first. Speaking of work...these puppies at my office. I want to bring them all home :( Monday: I started the week pretty strong, with a 10 mile treadmill run. 2 miles easy, 6 at an 8 min/mile pace, 2 easy. Tuesday: 8 easy on Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: 15 Weeks Until the New York City Marathon
Happy Sunday! I'm here with my weekly recap, as always. Join Jess and me for our link-up, details at the end of this post. Here's how training went this week for the New York City Marathon! Monday: Track time! I met my friends Lindsey and Ryan at a local track for some 200m repeats. I was surprised my coach had 200m on my schedule the day after the Raspberry Run 1 mile, but I suppose since I Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: 16 Weeks Until the New York City Marathon!
Happy Sunday everyone! Thanks for stopping by. I'm here today with my weekly recap of training for the New York City Marathon on November 5th. If you're new to this blog, welcome! If you're a fellow blogger, join Jess from Jess Runs ATL and me for our weekly link-up of training recaps, a link-up for us to keep each other motivated! Details at the bottom of this post: Monday: I did my run Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: 17 Weeks Until the New York City Marathon
Summer is in full swing over here! Today's weekly recap post is full of pictures of summer fun here at the Right Fits, mixed in with some training for the New York City Marathon. Monday: I ran 7 miles with Dustin at the cabin, 8:40 min/mile pace; he went on for another 7 for his long run and definitely negative split that run :) Tuesday: Still at the cabin and I had a workout to do: 2 mile Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: 18 Weeks Until The New York City Marathon
I'm a day late with my weekly recap- so sorry! We spent the holiday weekend at Dustin's family's cabin and the internet service there is not great. I hope you all can link up still with Jess and me. Details below! Here's how my week of training for the New York City Marathon 2017 went: Monday: 7 morning miles with my friends Lindsey and Christie. Barre after work at the Barre Continue Reading
Weekly Recap at the Right Fits
Hello there! I'm hoping to make today's post short and sweet. I'm linking up as usual with Jess from Jess Runs ATL for our weekly recap. Details at the end of this post! Monday: Barre at the barre. Still recovering from 26.2 on Saturday. Tuesday: [solidcore] before work with my friend Lindsey, 4 mile run with her after work- so nice to have a friend who does two workouts in one day with you Continue Reading