Happy Holidays! I hope everyone had a great long weekend. I'm a little behind in my weekly recap, since I was focused on publishing my 3 Bridges Marathon recap- check it out! As I mentioned in that recap of the 3 Bridges Marathon, Jess and I will no longer be hosting our link-up, so today I'm just linking up with HoHo Runs/Mississippi Piddlin to share my training details. I'm not technically Continue Reading
Guest Post: The FlyFeet 21 Day Challenge by Monica
I have a fun guest post for you today from my friend Monica; she's the "mom" of this little cutie that we often dog-sit (the one on the right.) She just finished the Fly Feet Running 21 Day Challenge, and she's here to tell you all about this awesome program! Fly Feet 21 day Challenge “Give us 21 days, and we’ll give you the tools to get in the best shape of your Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday. I'm back today with my weekly recap and link-up with Jess at Jess Runs Atlanta. Be sure to join us- I'd love to read your recap! Monday: 7 miles before work at a 9:04 min/mile. Tuesday: 5 miles at 8:55 min/mile before work. My friend Christie and I were about 3.5 miles in before the sleet/hail started. Yikes! I was glad we Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: Winter has arrived.
(The above mural is located downtown Minneapolis close to FlyFeet Running. The times do seem to be a-changin'...as well as the seasons.) Monday: 7.4 miles after work, 9 min/mile pace. It was dark, but I was still in shorts! Beautiful night. Tuesday: 5.4 miles with Tilda before work, 9 min/mile pace. Wednesday: FlyFeet Running with my friend Christie at 5:30 am. With the warm-up and the Continue Reading
Weekly Recap at the Right Fits: Base Training!
What a week, wasn't it? Emotionally draining. But it wasn't draining because of the running; the running definitely helped. Here's how this week went in 'base training': Monday: 7.6 mile run with my friends Lindsey and Julia before work. 1 hour barre class at The Barre Edina after work. Love those barre classes; they are great mix of core, glute work, and some serious stretching. Tuesday: Continue Reading
Fits Do Fitness Class Reviews: FlyFeet Running
FlyFeet Running is a brand new studio located in downtown Minneapolis (next to the iconic Bob Dylan mural.) It was founded by an ex-Target VP / marathoner Kristin Shane. "Fly Feet, which offers group running classes in a setting similar to spin classes, plans to open this fall in about 5,800 sq. ft. on the building’s first floor, fronting Fifth Street South and adjacent to the world-famous Bob Continue Reading