A bit belated but Matilda's race recap from the Fast & Furry 8k is here! (Read her previous recaps HERE, HERE, and HERE.) Matilda's Recap: You haven’t heard from me in a while but I’m back for my one big race of the season, excluding all the times I race across intersections at stop lights; (why? because I win every time.) This would be my fifth year running the Fast and Furry 8K, Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: 13 Weeks Post Broken Leg
First things first! The exciting news of the week is that my story about missing the Antarctica Marathon due to a broken leg was featured in Runner's World this week. Read it HERE. I was interviewed a few weeks ago for the article. The writer is a freelancer who I believe found me through this blog! Of course, I would have preferred to NOT have broken my leg and not been in Runner's World, Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: Four Weeks Until Grandma’s Marathon with my Sister!
Happy Sunday! I'm here with my weekly recap and happy to share that I'm feeling a lot more normal again, (post-concussion, etc). This week was pretty solid in training, here's how it went; Monday: [solidcore] Tuesday: 4 hot (upper 80's!) miles with Matilda after work. Wednesday: 7.5 miles after work. Around mile 6.5, it started to get really dark and windy. I tried to pick up the pace to Continue Reading
Friday Five: Favorite Tips for Running With Your Dog in the Heat.
Today's Friday Favorites is a bit of a follow-up to Matilda's guest post from Tuesday (If you missed it, catch up here!) As you know from that post and many others, Matilda is a great running companion. But as temperatures rise in the summer, I have to be careful about not pushing her too much in the heat. Here are five useful tips to keep in mind. 1. Cut back on the Continue Reading
Guest Post by Matilda: The Fast & Furry 8k
Today's guest post is from my dog, Matilda! She wanted to share her race recap from last Saturday's Fast & Furry 8k. From Matilda Benson, age 7: This was my 3rd year racing the Fast & Furry 8k. It's my favorite (and only) race of the year so I tend to take it pretty seriously. Once again, almost all of my training going into the race was done on the extreme ends of the spectrum, Continue Reading