Marathon #18 complete (#22 for Dustin) and this one was one I will never forget! The Tokyo Marathon was an incredible experience. Though my finish time wasn't quite what I had hoped for, I only have positive feelings about this day and this experience. Thank you to the city of Tokyo for hosting such a spectacular event. It was, hands down, one of the coolest marathon experiences of my Continue Reading
Search Results for: tokyo marathon
Fits on the Road: The Day Before the Tokyo Marathon & the Tokyo Sky Tree
Hi there! I haven't had as much time after the marathon to sit down and blog. Leading up to the race, there was a bit more down time since we didn't want to be on our legs too much so I was able to catch up with you here and here. But since then, it's been go, go, go! I have been working on the marathon recap and hope to have that done soon, but first, here are a few pictures from the day Continue Reading
Fits Do Race Reviews: The Tokyo Marathon EXPO
The Tokyo Marathon expo was held at the Tokyo Big Sight, a new convention center in Tokyo. source We went to the expo as part of the Marathon Tour group on Friday. Read about the rest of our city tour here. The tour dropped us off and said we had about one hour to spend there. Based on our experience at the Berlin Marathon expo, where we waited in lines many hours, we were both worried that Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: 5 days until the Tokyo Marathon.
Happy President's Day! I hope you were able to enjoy a nice 3-day weekend. Here we are, just a week before the Tokyo Marathon. Actually, I have less than a week. The race is Sunday morning at 9 am, but since Tokyo is 15 hours ahead of Minneapolis, I'll be starting my 26.2 mile tour of Japan's capital city at 6 pm (for most of you) next Saturday night. I will of course bring my laptop with me Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: Two Weeks Until the Tokyo Marathon
The countdown is on! Only 10 days until we head to Japan and 14 days until the Tokyo Marathon. Here's how my training went down this past week: Monday: 1 mile repeats. I did this workout on the treadmill as it was quite cold and slippery outside. 2 mile warmup, 4 x 1 mile on, 2 minute recovery between miles, 2 mile cooldown. The miles were at a 7:45 pace which was supposed to feel easy. It Continue Reading
Week 10 of Training for the Tokyo Marathon & Sound Probiotics
Remember this post, when I first announced that I would be running the Tokyo Marathon? It was a week before the Outer Banks Marathon. It seems like ages ago! On November 9th, I ran the Outer Banks Marathon after which I took 2 weeks off from training. Then I dove right back in to preparing for the Tokyo Marathon. Now I am on week 10 of training with only 3 weeks left to go! Here's how Continue Reading
Weekly Recap: The Tokyo Marathon is in 7 Weeks!!!
I am here with my weekly fitness recaps from the last two weeks. Sorry for the delay. I'm sure you were waiting with bated breath to see how my Tokyo marathon training is going, right? No? Ha! Well, here you go. Week of 12/22 through 12/28 Monday On the treadmill: 2 mile warm up, then 15 min x 10 min x 5 minutes with 5 minutes recovery between each set. 1 mile cool down. For the 15 minutes- Continue Reading