Hi friends!
I’m (hopefully) back to regular blogging with my weekly recaps!
If you’ve been away for awhile, much has happened. I ran the Boston Marathon in April, took a little break from blogging, went through the devastating loss of my mom, and then announced our upcoming move London (in 3 weeks!)
Now that we know exactly when we are moving to London, we decided to register for a fall marathon in Europe to kick off our running tour of that continent. We decided on the Amsterdam marathon on October 16th, which is 15 weeks away.
I have no idea how training will be for me in London; I hope to find a running club, but if I train alone, that’s fine too!
Though I didn’t recap last week, there were two fun highlights- running the Brave Like Gabe 5k for fun with some friends and a lovely farewell party hosted by my friend Vicki!
Here’s how this past week went in training for the Amsterdam marathon:
Monday: Easy 4 miler after work, followed by 10 min core + 20 min of upper body on the Peloton app
Tuesday: Rest from running; I did 10 min core and 10 min of upper body plus a few dog walks, but otherwise took a rest day, which was much needed.
Wednesday: I started the day with a 5 mile run with my friend Rachel; we met in downtown Minneapolis at Gold Medal Park, ran 5 miles, and then met up with the November Project that started at 6:30. Rachel is a frequent November Project attendee; I had actually never been before!
The workout of the day had a Stranger Things theme, where you’d flip a coin and if you were wrong, you’d run “to the upside down” which was up and over this big hill in Gold Medal Park. If you won the coin flip, you’d get to run a somewhat easier hill.
After your hill repeat, you’d do 6 burpees, 6 star jumps, and 6 Russian twists before starting the whole thing again. The whole workout was about 30 minutes long. They had a finisher at the end, but I needed to head to the office to shower and be ready by 8 am, so I missed it.
Overall, a fun little morning!
I had packed a second running outfit to join in a short lunch time run with some colleagues; I’m the only female in the running group and it is a bit harder for me to make it work in the middle of the day; I have to at least take a quick shower and then blow-dry all the sweat out of my hair afterwards, ha!
We covered another 4 miles for 9 miles on the day.
After work, we had our last bocce ball game of season 1. We met up with our teammates at Martina for dinner and drinks before the bocce game.
It was such a fun summer night. I’m going to miss these people and Minneapolis!
Thursday: A much-needed wfh day and I was able to sneak out over lunch to get in a run. I brought Ruth at first, but I could tell it was too warm for her; she was pausing to rest in the shade and wasn’t pulling ahead like she usually does. I never want to push her too hard, so I actually called Dustin to come pick her up (thanks Dustin!) around 3 miles for her, and then I finished the 7 miler on my own.
Unfortunately no time for strength training after work, as we packed up the car and hit the road right to head to Dustin’s family cabin in northern Wisconsin. I still had to work on Friday but we wanted to maximize our time with Dustin’s family as it would be our last time with them before we move, so we drove up on Thursday evening.
Friday: 6.2 mile cabin run, solo- except for tons of deer along the way.
Some of the young ones were not scared of me at all and didn’t really move out of the way as I passed on the road!
I followed up the run with 10 min core + 10 min barre + 20 min upper body with some weights I brought up to the cabin. Then a bit of work and a bit of fun…
Saturday: The Gordon Good Neighbor Days 5k!
I’ve run this small-town Fourth of July race many times in the past (most recently last year when our friends Sarah and Jeremy were at the cabin with us, read that post HERE!)
Dustin’s brother, his mom (who is 80!) and his two nephews also ran the race.
I ran 3.1 miles to the start line from the cabin, did the race, and then did a mile cool-down circling back with Dustin to find his mom (who was walking the race) for 7 miles total.
Dustin’s mom completed her first 5k at the age of 80. How incredible is that!

Everyone did so great; it was a really fun small town event.
Dustin ran 18:13 and got second place for males overall.
I got lucky; I ran 22:13 and got first place for females (and first in my age group, 40-49, hence the two medals.) My splits were 7:30, 7:24, 7:03. An actual progression race!
Usually there are some University of Minnesota- Duluth track female athletes who show up, but none this year, so my 22:13 was good enough for the win!
Ruth ran with me; it was her first race! She was SO happy, all the volunteers on the course kept commenting on how happy she was and how she must really love to run! It wasn’t too hot (maybe 70) during the race, but I still stopped at the water stop for Ruth to drink some water at the halfway point.
She drank a full cup; great job staying hydrating Ruthie!
After the race, I did a 10 min core and 10 min barre on Peloton, and then lots of boating, SUP, and time outside with the family and pups.
Matilda sat out the 5k this year, but both dogs are having a blast up here (which is sadly our last visit for awhile, but they’ll have lots of new adventures in the U.K.!)
Sunday: My schedule had 90 min of easy time on feet; I ran 6 with Ruth and Dustin and then 4 on my own to get to 10 total.
Summary: 45 miles of running, a random mix of strength on the Peloton app; not a ton of strength training, since this week was a bit busy, but I always feel better with regular strength training, so I hope to have more time for it next week.
I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner; check out their blogs to connect with other fitness bloggers for workout ideas and inspiration!
Amsterdam was my very first marathon. The water stops are FAR apart compared to what we’re used to in American races, especially towards the end. It’s a great course and a great race. You’ll have a blast!
Oh good to know! What year did you run it? I wonder if its improved at all? I hope so!
Exciting that you’ve signed up for Amsterdam! And funnily enough, we had the goodbye party for my friend Mary Ellen, who is moving from Birmingham back to the US (moving to Madison, WI) yesterday!
Aww, how sweet you had a good bye party for your friend going the opposite direction, and to the midwest too! Good luck to Mary Ellen!
Glad you are back to blogging and thank you for speaking up about abortion rights as well! Good luck with the move!
Thanks Kate! Good to hear from you. I re-read my rant and decided to save it for a separate post perhaps…I was feeling pretty heated when I wrote it, so I deleted for now until I think about it some more, but I appreciate that 🙂
wow Dustin’s mom rocks! Congrats to all of you on a speedy race this weekend. Amsterdam sounds like a perfect place for your first European race. It is such a fun place to visit
She does rock! She was a trooper.
Well, it didn’t take you long to find a marathon 😉 That’s really exciting!! Way to go to you (and everyone, even little Ruth) on the race and all the hardware brought home.
Thanks Kim!
Congrats on your 5k! See all that training you’ve done this year paid off in a big way for you. And kudos to your mother-in-law!
That waterfall pic is amazing. Is that up in northern Wisocnsin? I’m sure the one thing you won’t miss in London are the brutal winters in Minnesota.
Thanks Wendy! It was a fun little race, though not all that competitive 🙂
That waterfall is actually Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis! We went there over last weekend as there is a great dog park nearby and then an awesome outdoor restaurant called SeaSalt. A fun place to visit if you are ever in Minneapolis in the summer! Trying to hit up all our favorites before we go.
Wow, I love that you already are planning a marathon in Europe. Not letting an international move slow you down!
How great that your whole family participated in the 5k. Congrats on your AG win!
The pups looks tuckered out after a fun day.
The pups love it up here!
Ha ha, let me get this straight- you stopped at the halfway point for Ruth to drink some water and still won the race? It sounds like a super-fun day- Congrats to Dustin’s mom!
Yes, you’re going to miss Minneapolis- you do so many fun things. i’m looking forward to hearing about your London adventures!
Ha, its true! I don’t think we lost all that much time, maybe a minute? Ruth gulped down the water pretty quickly.
Nope, not gonna unfollow you.
Congrats for running a great race with Ruth! The dogs sure do look tuckered out. Which is usually a good thing. 🙂 And congrats to your MIL! Tell her she is awesome.
I’m not sure I’d enjoy that November Project workout!
Thanks Judy 🙂 A tired pup is a well-behaved pup, ha!
I wil pass along your congrats to my MIL! I was impressed she was up for the challenge!
Congratulations on a great race!
Ruth and Matilda are so sweet. And I love that Ruth did such a great job at the 5k!
How do you think the girls are going to take the move? I’m a teensy bit jealous of your adventures but have no idea how I would get the pugs out of the country.
The pugs would probably be easier, since they are small enough to be in the cabin on some airlines (Air France, for example.) Ours are trickier since they are 33 & 45 pounds each….
I have no idea how they will take the move. It will be a big change for all of us, but we are up for it!
Congratulations to you and Dustin, but mostly his mom. How amazing! Glad you’re having a great time away.
Mom walked a 5K at 75 last year and we laughed that she should have registered as a runner, she’d have won her age group but walkers weren’t timed.
There’s a November Project group that meets where I run most mornings, but I’ve never approached. One day!
It was fun to try November Project with a friend, but I probably prefer running and strength training separately 🙂 But not a bad way to meet people, so I might try it in London!
Great job to your mom at 75!
I’m sure it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to your family and network of friends. It’ll be so much fun when they visit you though! Congrats to you and D and RUTH on the wins! D’s mom is amazing as well! Wow!
Thanks Marcia! Yes, it’s bittersweet, but I hope many of them come to visit!
Love that you participated in the Brave Like Gabe 5k. Such a great race for a worthy cause.
I am not at all surprised that you have already found your next marathon in Europe 🙂 The Amsterdam Marathon should be fun! I think Renee (@runlaugheatpie) has done the race before so I’m sure she has some great tips that she can share too!
Brave Like Gabe has a Minnesota connection (she ran for the University of Minnesota.) The 5k raised over $70k! It was really nice and well-done.
I will have to reach out to Renee about Amsterdam!
That’s so great that your 5K was a family affair! Dustin’s mom is amazing!
I love that you already have a European marathon planned! Amsterdam is such a fun city!
I am excited to have a few days post marathon to explore Amsterdam. And of course, to see 26.2 miles (er, 42 kilometers!) of it!
Moving to London? How exciting. I’ll be running the London marathon in October. Amsterdam sounds like a fun race, good luck and cannot wait to hear about it. Great pace for your 5k.
The London marathon is in October again this year? How interesting, I thought it had switched back to April! I ran it in 2016, here is my recap: http://www.therightfits.com/2016/04/fits-race-reviews-virgin-money-london-marathon-2016/
Congrats on your 1st place overall at the race and to Dustin for placing 2nd! Your m-i-l doesn’t look 70, much less 80! And congrats to her on running her first 5K. 🙂
She definitely looks very young for 80! I was so impressed that she was up for a 5k!
[…] The 4th of July! Since we ran the Gordon Good Neighbor Days 5k on Saturday, there was no racing for me on the actual holiday. We were still up at the cabin, so […]