What a week! Not just with regards to training for my next marathon, (Oklahoma in 5 weeks), but also in non-running events.
Let me dive right into my recap!
Monday: Marathon Monday in Boston! I was there to cheer for Dustin; I walked with him from our hotel to the shuttle buses, and then headed out for my own run, which ended up being 8.5 miles. I watched the marathon from my hotel room on TV while I worked a bit in the morning, before heading down to the lobby and stepping right outside to cheer on Boylston, right at mile 26!
Check out this video I took at mile 26 (it doesn’t seem to load on Chrome, only Safari, FYI.)
This is not my husband, but another runner. Poor guy! But he did get up and hobble the final 0.2 mile to the finish.
This was Dustin’s 3rd time running Boston (we both ran it for the first time in 2017, read that recap here.) He really wanted to just have a fun, good-feeling Boston, which for him would be about a 3:15; (he just ran a 2:58 in Idaho at the end of June.) Unfortunately, going into this race, he was dealing with a hamstring issue- nothing major, but it reared its ugly head around mile 18 and he struggled, finishing in a 3:33. He was bummed and said no more Bostons for him, which is fine, since it doesn’t really help with our 50-state goal when he does the same state multiple times, ha!
But he finished his 38th marathon and I’m proud of him.

The rest of Monday was a fun day in Boston, celebrating another marathon finish for Dustin. We had lunch at Night Shift Brewing, which was great, and eventually had dinner at the Banks Fish House (oysters! a lobster roll!)

Tuesday: Rest day for me! We had a tasty breakfast at Tatte Bakery before heading to the airport to make our way back to Minneapolis.
Wednesday: 8.4 miles, 9:34 min/mile pace. I am getting back to running in the 5:XX’s before my return to the office. I was treated for my efforts with a beautiful sunrise!

20 minute strength for runners class, 10 minute core class on the Peloton app after work.
Thursday: My 40th birthday! After traveling & being around crowds in Boston, I planned to get a covid test on Thursday over lunch to be safe (particularly as I was hosting a birthday party Saturday), but that meant solo running on my birthday- well, not completely solo, I ran 4 alone and then picked up Ruth for 4 more! 8 miles total on the day.

That evening, Dustin and I went to dinner at Owamni by the Sioux Chef, which is the first indigenous restaurant in the country! It’s getting lots of press (even in the NY Times!) They don’t use any ingredients that weren’t native to this land, which means no refined sugar, no flour, no dairy, etc. It was delightful and a lot of fun! Great birthday celebration.

Friday: I had early meetings again, but a lovely break over lunch, so my friend Vicki and I (plus Ruth) ran 6 miles together, 8:47 min/mile average. A gorgeous fall day.

Saturday: Long run day! I ran to meet Sarah and Christie, did a few with them for 7 miles total, running back to the house to pick up Dustin and Ruth for 7 more, 14 miles on the day, 9 min/mile average. Dustin is still recovering post- Boston, so he was willing to do 7 at my pace.

After the run, I did a quick 20 minute strength for runners plus 5 minute core class on the Peloton app. Its hard for me to do strength after a long run, but I hadn’t done much when we were in Boston and wanted to fit in a little more.
If you recall, I celebrated my 40th birthday with my sisters in the Boundary Waters back in August, but I also wanted to celebrate with some friends.
I never expected Covid to still be a risk when I was planning this party. Fortunately, all my friends are vaccinated and the party was still small (and people were spread inside/ outside.) It was the first party we had hosted since New Year’s Eve going into 2020. I was a little nervous, but hopefully we are all safe.
Ruth and Matilda worked security- vax cards at the door or no entry!

80’s themed and everyone dressed the part!

I had 80’s candy, an 80s drink (a Blue Hawaiian) and plenty of other (current day) snacks and drinks.

We had an end-time on the invite of 11 pm, though the party went on a bit later…but I had a blast! However, this 40-year old is NOT used to staying up later anymore. I was quite tired on Sunday. Just can’t hang with the young kids anymore, ha!
Sunday: I did manage 4 miles with Ruth, 8:55 min/mile average on another gorgeous fall day, but was a bit lazy the rest of the day.
Summary: About 49 miles of running, a few Peloton strength class.
And that’s a wrap! I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner as part of their Weekly Rundown. Check it out!
I love a good 80″s themed party! Happy birthday to you! Congrats to your hubs again on a great race. You 2 are quite the speedy couple!
The 80s theme went so well! The music from then was a party in itself. 🙂
Happy birthday! That sounds like a fun party. Your dress and hairstyle are ^on point^!LOL on the security detail. Sorry about Dustin’s hamstring, but glad he was able to finish.
That sunrise is amazing!
Thanks Coco! It worked well that my dad was cleaning out some closets and trying to get rid of my sister’s old dresses!
What a fun theme for a party! Happy Birthday! Congrats to Dustin – hope his hamstring is healing.
Thanks Michelle. He’s finally going to PT and trying dry needling, I hope that helps!
What a fun party! A coworker, and his new wife, postponed their June 2020 wedding to July of this summer (#Covid). He said it was more about the reception/party than a formal affair, so it was an 80’s theme. What a blast! The “prom dresses,” big hair (I sported a side pony, like you LOL), and lots of concert t-shirts (one guy wore a Wham! shirt). The 80’s totally rocked 😉
Ha, what fun! I love that idea for a wedding. For my party, everyone had a slightly different take on the 80s which was fun! We had a few rockers there too.
That looks like such a fun party! Hope you had a great birthday! Congrats to your husband on Boston and I hope his hamstring is ok!
Thank you Lisa! He’s finally going to PT for the hamstring, so I hope it gets better for Tulsa!
Happy birthday! Your party looks so fun! Glad to see Dustin popped his collar, lol. I feel you about hanging with the young kids, lol…my boys are a lot of fun but there’s no way I can keep up with them. This old mama needs her sleep!
Ha! Exactly. I can’t party like I’m in my 30s anymore, you know 🙂
Happy Birthday! You guys really know how to have fun. I think you managed it very safely, with being vaxed and the Covid test. We can’t quarantine forever! You definitely had a lot going on this week, but got in a solid week of training. Congrats to Dustin!
Thank you Jenny! It’s a weird time where its hard to know what events are okay; knowing everyone was vaccinated gave me lots of comfort. It felt good to have a party like in the ‘old-fashioned days!’
Happiest birthday, Jessie!
Thank you very much Erin!
Congrats to Dustin on running another Boston Marathon!
Happy belated birthday! Can i just say how much I love your party theme? It looks like you had so much fun and that dress is awesome. Also i love that the dogs got in on the fun too, lol.
Aww, thanks Kim! The 80s theme went over quite well…I think worked for all ages, even my friends who are either younger or older got it in the fun!
The dogs didn’t love their security shirts, they were a little snug- kind of an amazon fail as the sizing was way off!
Omg cutest security detail ever! Looks like such a fun party. Great way to ring in the big 4-0! Being able to spectate Boston right on Boyleston is the way to go. Congrats to Dustin. I’d love to go back to Boston as a spectator one of these years!
Spectating on Boylston might have been more fun than running the race! 🙂
I know I wished you a happy birthday on FB, but HBD again! It sounds like your birthday party was loads of fun!
Congrats to Dustin on completing another Boston! Hope his hammie calms down. Wow on that poor guy running Boston who was crawling for a bit. Good to hear that he was able to hobble to the finish.
Thank you Debbie for the multiple birthday wishes! It was so fun to celebrate with friends. This was a monumental one! 5 more minutes for a BQ though, ha!
Happy birthday! What a fun theme!
Congrats to Dustin! I know it wasn’t the race he wanted but that’s still awesome. Sweet to be right there on Boylston!
This girl turns into a pumpkin around 9 pm. No joke! I love my birthday (Valentine’s Day) but the the truth is the friends are usually busy with their SOs. Sometimes I travel for it, which is really awesome, but of course it’s been a while.
Thanks Judy! It was fun to be right on Boylston for sure. Ah yes, a Valentine’s Day birthday would be unique for sure!
What a cool theme for a party. Looks like so much fun.
Congrats to your hubby on another Boston. I hope he feels better soon.
Good luck on the 50 states…nice to be able to do it together,
Thanks Darlene! Yes, its more of a lifelong goal vs. one that we are rushing through. We have a running friend who is finishing his 50th in Hawaii this December but he does one nearly every other weekend!
What a phenomenal week for you! Congratulations to Dustin, even though it sounds like it was a hard fight.
I love that you have an indigenous restaurant! That’s a monumental and important thing!
Your 80s party was too cute! I’m so glad you got to do that!
Yes! I’m proud that Minneapolis has this restaurant! It deserves the recognition its getting.
Happy birthday! What a fun idea for a party! I do remember drinking Blue Hawaiians under age in a wine bar in Tunbridge Wells called Rupert’s – ha! And well done Dustin on his Boston, too, esp with ham troubles.
I am too old for Blue Hawaiians, ha!
Hooray! I always host my parties from 4 pm to 8 pm. I always have a few people that stay after 10, but it helps me still have time to wind down.
Interesting- I like that idea in theory, but wasn’t serving dinner, which I think you’d need to for 4-8.