Wow. What a week, right? It felt really long…But it ended on a high note, so it was all worth it!
Here’s how things went in fitness this week!
Monday: I was up early to prepare to teach an interval running class for my “day” job. We’re doing a fitness philanthropy initiative, and I was asked to lead a running interval class over Zoom. It needed to work for all levels of runners/walkers, as well as work for those joining from a treadmill or outside.

Yikes! So outside my comfort zone. I practiced several times, got tips from fitness instructor friends who taught at places like FlyFeet… And I actually ended up having fun. Everyone at work was kind with their feedback; I’m sure they recognized that this is not what I do!
I taught the class at 7 am; since I was already in my workout clothes and on the treadmill, I just did 4 miles easy on the treadmill before showering and starting work.
I squeezed in a virtual Discover Strength class after work.
Tuesday: I met up with my two running friends for 8 easy miles. We optimistically wore all the blue, with hopes to see more blue later in the day.

Christie and I had similar thoughts for our WFH apparel on Tuesday as well. (Shirt is from Oiselle.)

Ruth was feeling optimistic too!

Wednesday: Well, I did not sleep well Tuesday night. I kept waking up to check my phone for results. I was so tired and stressed that I had to cancel on my friend Christie for a morning run.
Instead, I made it out between meetings around 9:30. I guess the bright side was that it was 70 degrees and sunny; quite rare in Minneapolis for November! I attempted my workout for the week: 20 minutes easy, 3×10 minutes at progressively faster paces with 3 minute recovery in between, 10 minute cool-down. 7.15 miles total at an 8:45 min/mile average.
I took a virtual 1:1 Discover Strength training session after work.
One must move quickly with their post-run socks or they will end up in the cozy cove!

Thursday: 8 easy miles with my friends Christie and Julie before work.
Friday: 5 miles with Ruth before work, 8:45 min/mile average. We were out there pretty early and were treated to a beautiful sunrise!

I don’t think Ruth loves running in the dark though; she seems to get scared by random things. But fortunately the sun came up quickly and she was more confident then.

I also squeezed in a virtual 1:1 strength training session over lunch.
Saturday: Long run Saturday in November in SHORTS! I love it. I had 4 miles easy, 3 miles around 8:30, 1 mile easy, 2 miles at 8:00, 2 miles easy to get to 12 total.
The best part of Saturday’s long run? Coming home to the news that Biden had been declared the next President. All smiles over here.

With an unseasonably warm day ahead, we decided to have a few friends over for pizza and champagne (outdoors, socially distanced or with masks for a picture, of course.) It was a lot of fun. Maybe a bit too much fun, haha! It turned into a bit of a dance party for a bit, but we were still in bed by 10. Happy day.

Sunday: I slept in a bit, drank lots of Nuun to rehydrate and then Dustin, Ruth, and I ran 5.15 miles at an 8:50 min/mile average. Then we dropped off Ruth at home and picked up Matilda for one bonus easy mile, 10 min/mile.

Summary: 3 Discover Strength sessions and 50 miles of running!
I haven’t hit 50 miles in a week in quite some time (big change from when I hit 80 miles in a week in July during my biggest mileage month challenge!) But since the Achilles injury, I definitely have cut back quite a bit as I worked through that issue. Fortunately, I’ve been feeling good and excited to be back around ‘normal’ mileage for me.
I mentioned FlyFeet when discussing my zoom running class; I was so sad to find out they are closing.

I haven’t gone there in quite some time, but always like their classes and community.
Here’s my review from when they opened four years ago: Fits Do Fitness Class Reviews: FlyFeet Running.
It’s tough to see these small business shut down during this. It’s been a challenging year on so many fronts.
But personally, I’m feeling more hopeful than I have in quite some time. Our first female VP! So exciting. What a great end to the week.
And that’s about it for the week! I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner Check it out!
Nice job leading a zoom run! I really need to dip my toe into zoom yoga classes and just haven’t been able to bring myself to it yet.
My friend rapped on my window after we’d gone to our cars after our walk yesterday to let me know PA had flipped. We were so happy! Now the hard work begins.
I’m with Ruth. I wouldn’t run in the dark either!
Hi Judy! I’m not sure I’m going to make a career in Zoom classes, ha 🙂 But it was for a good cause, so I’m okay with it.
I feel like some of us will remember where we were when we heard Saturday’s news for a long time!
Yay for 50! What a great week for running and America;-)
Ha, so true Becket! Running and America 🙂
It was a tense week, wasn’t it? Grateful for running and good weather! That helped keep me sane. We didn’t have friends over last night but we sure did celebrate with a fire in the backyard and fireworks! One of my neighbors complained about us on FB. Can we say MAKA? Make America Kind Again?
Oh Happy Day!
Oh wow! There were definitely fireworks in our neighborhood and many others celebrating as well!
Teaching fitness classes definitely takes some getting used to! I used to teach cycle and strength classes about 10 years ago. I remember being so nervous at first. I bet you crushed it! Enjoy your warm weather while it lasts!
Thanks Deborah!
I tossed and turned Tuesday night as well, but was successful in resisting the urge to check the election results. Ugh. What a week! Cheers to fantastic weather and getting together to celebrate with friends. Of course socks go right in that Cozy Cove! Haha! So sad about FlyFeet and so many other businesses closing.
I should have known better than to check, it only stressed me out more!
This week dragged on for sure, but the news was such a relief. I’m so glad Biden got more states than he “needed” — as a lawyer, I’m interested in the court challenges, but I won’t stress over them as much now. 😉 Your sunrise run is gorgeous. I don’t have great sunrise views running in my neighborhood — it’s the one thing I miss about going into the office. Scooby seems to do OK running in the dark, but we both run a bit faster in daylight. Bummer on FlyFeet. All my fitness studio are open except CorePower, although… Read more »
Agree about the fitness studios- I am not comfortable going and am sticking with my home workouts and running, but I am glad that they are able to stay open for those who are comfortable, and hopefully can stay in business. I guess I haven’t checked on my local corepower yet! I loved their super sweaty hot classes, but wouldn’t feel comfortable with that at all in a small space with little ventilation!
I was truly, accidentally rocking the blue today. Just happened to be the running clothes that live at mom’s.
She looks so innocent having pilfered your sock!
COngrats on the class and getting out for a run Wednesday. It’s all so hard to navigate.
She tries to pretend she doesn’t know where the sock came from 🙂 But she’s sneaky! Sometimes I’m not sure where she grabs them from!
Feel like you need to “give” her one from Socky Claus in December
haha, I have thought about that! But maybe I’d be reinforcing the bad behaviors? I swear, she has PLENTY of dog toys to chew on instead of socks!
It was quite a week, but ended well! Great job getting your mileage back up there!
Yes, a great ending!
How awesome that you led the Zoom run – that’s amazing!
I love your mask and Vote shirt!
I found myself smiling randomly all day yesterday and celebrated with champagne. I was just so so happy. I know there’s still a lot of work to be done but I feel hopeful for the first time in 4 years.
Thank you Kim!
Glad you had a chance to celebrate too! 🙂
Gotta say, the Midwest weather this week was out of this world! It was such a welcome treat after the previous cold weeks. I even had a few rides (which always feel much colder) in sleeveless tops and shorts. Glad to hear your class went well!
Thanks Kim!
I think many of us were on the Sunday morning struggle bus after celebrating a bit fervently last night!!
Hehe, totally! But worth it.
Well done leading that session for work, sounds like it went well. And love all the Running With Dogs pics. I managed not to check my phone during the night but we were all on tenterhooks over here and very unsettled, so glad there is a resolution and hope things are peaceful between now and Jan 20.
Thanks Liz! I was curious how the rest of the world felt about it…
Oh in the UK, or well at least in my lefty bubble, we were all scared and anxious and checking, I had assumed the worst so was very pleased indeed and glad for all my American friends here and there.
Thanks Liz!
What an incredible week for you!
I am so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone like that. I also love your “vote” shirts! So cute. And the pup’s bandana! Precious!
Luna steals all the socks. She will divebomb the laundry pile in search of socks, like some kind of fox. Dogs are the best.
Thank you so much Jenn! I am proud of me too, hehe 🙂 But probably won’t do it again.
Those dogs and the socks! I don’t get why they love them so much, clean or dirty!
I’m with Ruth – I get scared easily by stuff when I run outside in the dark too!! 🙂 Can you ask where your friend got that striped sweater?? I need that in my life! Looks like a fun get together. It is sad about businesses shutting down this year. Bummer about FlyFeet.
Hey Lisa! My friend’s sweater is from Stitch Fix, but I will ask her what the exact brand is. I loved it too, a perfect cozy fun sweater!
Love the blue outfits you all wore on Tuesday! 🙂 It was an intense week but definitely pleased with the outcome.
We watched the speeches on Saturday and it made me happy. It will be a long road for recovery but we’ll get there.
Thanks Zenaida! 100% agree! I feel hopeful.