The theme of this week was definitely run commuting! Every one of my weekday runs was a run commute.
I’ve mentioned it before, but the only reason it works so well for me is because my husband works in the same building as me in downtown Minneapolis. I am able to stash all my stuff (work clothes, work bag/laptop) in his car the night before. Then I don’t have to carry anything while running. I can just run to work and get all my stuff out of his car, shower at the little gym in the building, and then bus home at the end of the day. It works great! It would be a lot more challenging logistically to run commute without his ‘sherpa’ assistance.
Before I dive into my training recap, I just have to mention the two amazing running records from this weekend. First, there was Eliud Kipchoge’s spectacular 1:59:40 marathon in Vienna- incredible! And then today, Brigid Kosgei broke the women’s marathon record. So inspiring!
Anyways, here’s how my training went this past week; just 1 month until the Indianapolis Marathon!
Monday: 9 easy miles, 9:05 min/mile. (Run commute.)
Tuesday: 3 miles easy, then alternating 600m at tempo (7:30) and 1,000m at marathon pace (8-8:15) for about a 10k finishing with one fast 400m, then 2 mile cool down for 11.36 miles at 8:40 min/mile average. This was a challenging workout (and a long one before work!) but overall it went pretty well. Discover Strength session after work.
Wednesday: Another 9 mile run before work, 9:15 min/mile. (Run commute.) Rainy, quiet, dark.
Thursday: Another 9 mile run commute. Discover Strength session after work.
There was a Trump rally in downtown Minneapolis this evening; by the time I left Discover Strength, all the skyways (the indoor connection of covered walkways) were on lockdown and I had to walk in the rain back to the office to catch the bus. I’m not here to comment on politics, but man, there were some crazies out and about!
Friday: After 4 days straight of longer runs, a 6 miler felt so short and sweet! This was another run commute, just a more direct route.
I thought I found snow on the run, but it was just some ice from a local hockey rink. Whew! (Little did I know, we’d have real snow the next day…)
That evening, I went to the Lizzo concert at the Armory with my sister Cresta and niece Maggie. It was a blast!
Saturday: I was a little worried about how a late(r) night would affect my long run the next morning. On top of the Lizzo concert the night before, I then woke up to a temperature of 32 degrees, blustery winds, and SNOW. Seriously. Snow in October.
And not just ice from a local hockey rink. Actual snow.
But I bundled up (had to pull out running pants vs. shorts already) and headed out for a 20 mile run. Solo. I didn’t run with my run club because I knew I would be on my own for most of it anyways, as I had a longer workout in the 20 miler. 4 miles easy, then 7 miles at goal marathon pace, 1 mile easy, another 7 miles at goal marathon pace, then 1 easy, for 20 miles total at an 8:30 min/mile average.
This was my third 20 miler of the cycle and even though the weather was challenging, it actually felt decent. Sure, there were some marathon-paced miles where the wind was blowing so strongly right into my face (I did not hit my goal on those miles!) but generally I felt okay, though it did take a lot out of me- I was beat afterwards.
(The bridges were the snowiest!)
Right after the run, I showered and then Dustin and I took the dogs to the dog park to burn off their energy (especially little Ruth- she runs around like a nut!) After that, I crashed for two hour nap on the couch. Yikes!
Later that evening, we had a house-warming and birthday party to attend, but we did not last long. 20 milers (especially with 14 miles at a harder effort) can do that to ya!
Sunday: After sleeping in a bit (so glorious!), Dustin and I headed out for a run around 9:30 am. 6 miles for me, 8:58 min/mile average.
Summary: 70 miles! This was my second 70 mile week of the cycle. That’s a lot for me! I know that elites run twice that much, but 70 is a lot for my level.
I was also happy to fit in two strength sessions on top of the 70 miles of running. Strength is important!
Just 4 short weeks left of training before marathon 33. Can’t wait!
I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner as part of their Weekly Rundown. Check it out!
wow can’t believe how cold it is there! MY husband flew to Minneapolis today for the Eagles game and back. What a solid week of training for you! That’s so convenient that you can run commute to get your long runs in.
Wow your husband is really into football!
Run commuting works with the high mileage right now!
YOU, my dear, are the queen of run-commuting! I am so impressed with your mileage (and not just on the 70-mile weeks). There’s no way I could do it, but you make it look ((somewhat)) easy. Great job! And, what is up with this early winter??????
Thank you so much Kim! I’m glad I can run commute. Glad I make it seem doable!
Holy moly, 70 miles? That’s some serious mileage. Especially in the snow and cold. It’s been cold in Chicago too, but no snow, thankfully. I’m still trying to warm up from spectating the marathon today!
Fortunately last Saturday’s snow was a fluke and we actually had a nice fall week this week. Definitely a reminder that I don’t like winter, as if I needed a reminder!
Gosh, you had a great week! Yikes on the snow. Your run commute set-up is great. How cool to work in the same building! OMG on the Lizzo concert. How fun!
Thanks Coco! Lizzo was a blast.
Snow!! Way too early for that. I hope it stays away for a bit longer although I am having skiing/boarding thoughts a lot. Nice job on gutting it out in the wacky weather for 20 miles!
Way too early! Thankfully it all melted.
Your runmute sounds awesome. I love that your husband is on sherpa duty. But eek on the winter weather.
Eek is right! No more snow until February please 🙂
SEVENTY MILES?? goodness me! You are amazing. I love how your run commute is so well-arranged practically, such a help. I used to only be able to run home from work, which involved all my clothes gradually making their way to the office! I hope the snow wasn’t too slippy and alarming for you.
Yes, I feel fortunate that run commuting works!
Looks like another great week for you! But wow, it sure got cold fast. I am so not ready for snow yet! I’d like at least a couple weeks of fall weather lol.
Thanks Lisa!
Fun and eventful week! Your niece looks like she could be another of your sisters! 🙂 Beautiful ladies all around!
Aww, thanks Katie!
Ugh. Not the S-word already! It’s not that unusual for us to get a dusting in October, but usually it holds off until November. No snow here yet.
I’ll be that 6 miler felt good! And great job on your 20 miler.
It’s pretty unusual for snow in October in Minneapolis! I was not pleased!
That snow photo made my mouth drop – it’s just too soon for that, lol.
Congrats on another amazing week of training and I love that you can get so many of your runs down via run commuting!
Way too soon!
Another great week for you! I cannot believe you had snow already – yikes!
Yikes is right!
What, snow? I do love snow, but need a few more weeks of fall! Great job on your workouts this week! Big miles!!
Thank you Lisa!
I must have missed that your husband is also your sherpa and had often wondered how you made a run commute work. It sounds like it works out perfectly.
Back in my marathon running days, I average 50 miles per week and that was plenty for me. Holy moly on 70 miles two weeks in a row. You go, girl!
Yay for a trip to the doggie park. You’ve got two lucky pups!
It does work well for run commuting!
50 miles is pretty standard for marathoning, but I personally think my body likes the higher mileage!
I had no idea you would get snow so early! I’m still clinging to my shorts, but I’ve definitely needed gloves a couple of times so we’ll see how much longer it is before I need my leggings…
I’m still wearing shorts 🙂
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