My first full week back in the United States- woo-hoo! I had a great experience in India, but there's no place like home. And while I struggled to get the training in while I was overseas, it felt great to get back to it this week back in Minneapolis- where it's EASY to be a runner! I'm linking up as always with Jess from Jess Runs ATL, details below. Here's how last week's training for the Continue Reading
Fits on the Road: The Minnesota State Fair 2016
Fits on the home! Warning, this post includes a lot of pictures! Minneapolis is a great city for runners. Don't believe me? Check out this recent article in Runner's World, ranking Minneapolis #7 of 50! So proud. Generally, this blog is all about running, but today we'll be talking about another thing that the Twin Cities are well-known for other than running- the Minnesota State Continue Reading
Weekly Recap & the Minnesota State Fair!
Another week of training for the Richmond Marathon is complete! Here's how it all went down. Monday: 2 mile warmup, 8x300m sprints, 90 second recovery in between each, 2 mile cool down. The 300m repeats were supposed to be at a 7 min/mile pace, but I was closer to a 7:15. 7 miles total. Tuesday:Morning run with my friend Monica, 8:35 average pace, 6.5 miles total. Evening run with Matilda Continue Reading
Fitting Remarks: Fulfilling My Summer Bucket List: The Minnesota StateFair!
"Eat something on a stick at the Minnesota State Fair." This is one of the items on my Summer Bucket List. So this past Saturday, Dustin and I put on our comfortable walking shoes and headed to the Great Minnesota Get-Together! (You can read past recaps of the fair HERE and HERE.) Speaking of walking shoes, Dustin decided to wear his Garmin while we were at the fair. Guess what? We covered Continue Reading
Featured Fit: The Minnesota State Fair
It's that time of year again...time for the Minnesota State Fair!I posted about the fair last summer as a Failed Fit- you can read that post HERE. I called it a failed fit because it includes some unhealthy eats. Nonetheless, it's a yearly tradition for Dustin and me, even though it's not the healthiest day of our summer.I think in some states, the state fair is not that big of a deal. Yet in Continue Reading
Failed Fits at the Minnesota State Fair
By Cool JThe "Great Minnesota Get-Together" started last weekend. This two week event is quirky, kitschy, entertaining, and tasty. My husband loves it, and it wouldn't be a true summer for him without a day at the second biggest fair in the country!We usually spend a day here after a long run on the weekend, but this year, we had to squeeze in our fair time on a weekday. The D-man and I took Continue Reading