Just one week to go until the Indianapolis Marathon!
I’ve been counting down the weeks to the Indianapolis for quite a while now. Though this will be my fourth marathon of 2019, (Houston, Antarctica, Brookings), it’s the first one where I feel like I might be close to where I was pre-broken leg. My goal is to break 3:35, though I think I would be happy with anything in the 3:3X zone. I’ve put in a ton of work and a ton of miles- fingers crossed it all pays off next weekend!
The weather should be on my side- a little chilly, but chilly is great!

Here’s how training for Indy went this past week:
Monday: 7 miles easy before work. Discover Strength after work. I skipped legs entirely at Discover Strength and only did upper body and core at my session.
Tuesday: Last big workout before Indy! My friend Christie and I had the same workout, so I went over to her house bright and early; I think we were running by 5:05 a.m.!
3 miles easy, then 63min fartlek: 4x (8min@ marathon effort, 4min@ HM effort, 5min easy), 2 mile cool down.
12.8 miles total at 8:40 min/mile average.
It was a long one to do before work but we nailed the paces and it was a successful workout overall.
I tried my Nike 4% for this run; I’ve worn them for 1 mile, 5k, and 10k races, but nothing much longer. However, they are technically a marathon shoe, so I wanted to see if maybe they would work for lndy. After all, on the short runs, they felt great and bouncy!
Unfortunately, my arches hurt pretty badly during this run. Maybe I need to build up to wearing these? Either way, I’m not risking it at Indy, so I’ll just be wearing my trusty Brooks Ravennas instead!

Wednesday: I had 10 miles on my schedule, but my legs were tired from the big workout the day before. I managed 9.2 miles at a 9:26 min/mile average. Take the easy runs easy, right?
This was a run commute and once again, Dustin’s car wasn’t going to be at the office when I arrived (which is where I usually throw all my stuff so I can get it from his car when I arrive as we work in the same building). Since he wasn’t there, I had to carry in what I planned to wear that day and left everything else at the office the night before. Those days, running commuting takes a lot more planning ahead.

Thursday: Another easy run, this time 7.5 miles at a 9:15 min/mile pace. Another run commute and I noticed when I ran down Nicollet, WCCO was getting into the Halloween spirit!

Ruth and Matilda both donned a costume for the holiday, though Ruth quickly chewed hers off and then moved on to chewing Tilda’s butterfly wings…

We had lots of trick or treaters…including our run club, who stopped by during their run in costume! They took some candy AND Dustin gave them shots of Fireball. Yowsa!

Friday: 6.7 miles at a 9:23 min/mile pace, 5 with Christie and a few on my own. Another Discover Strength session of just upper body and core, no legs this close to the marathon! I still like to keep up with a little strength; I figure upper body is okay!
Saturday: Last “longish” run before Indy! Just 90 minutes of running; 5 miles easy, 4 at marathon pace, and 1 easy. 10 miles total. I ran the first three with Dustin and then a few with my run club, before heading off on my own to finish the 10.
10 felt so short!
And yes, that was snow on the ground…There were a few slick spots too on the running path. It did not make me happy!

I had to be showered and done by 10 am as Ruth had her final obedience class at the Canine Coach. Technically she ‘passed’ but the teacher did recommend she go to Level 1.5 next, rather than Level 2 Obedience. Level 1.5 is all about impulse control, which is definitely something Ruth is still working on!

Sunday: 4 mile run with Dustin and Matilda (our older vizsla), 8:23 min/mile. Lovely fall day.
Summary: About 57 miles of running, two strength sessions.
57 seems like a lot for one week out from the marathon, and 57 miles was even with cutting multiple runs a mile or two short…my coach definitely thinks the high mileage works for me. I hope she’s right!
My coach also wants me to do a caffeine fast this week. I am not sure if I will be able to do it, as I really cherish my daily lattes and americanos…TBD if I give it a try. Even if I still have a coffee or two, I will be focused on hydration and sleep, which should be easier since my mileage will be much lower!
Less than a week before marathon #33, state #22. So excited!
I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner as part of their Weekly Rundown. Check it out!
It’s exciting it’s marathon week for you! You’ve had a solid training cycle. As I’ve said many times, I’m in awe of the mileage you crank out each week (even on your scale-backs). It’s crazy how all of our bodies work differently, and it’s quite amazing 😉 Best of luck in Indy!!!!
Thank you Kim!
You are totally right, different plans work for different bodies! My friend has the same coach as me, but she takes at least 1 full rest day a week and a lot less mileage because our coach customizes the plan for each person!
Just one more week to go – I’m so excited for you!
I love that both Ruth and Matilda got into the holiday spirit for Halloween. Both of their costumes are so cute 🙂
Just out of curiosity, why does your coach want you to do a caffeine fast next week?
Apparently she thinks if you don’t have it, it will have a stronger effect on race day, both with a morning cup of joe and the caffeine in some of the gels I take. I’m at least making an effort to cut back!
Ahh that makes sense! I should do that for my next race.
Good luck at the marathon! Can I ask who makes those striped tights? Love them!
Hi Sara, thank you! The tights are the lululemon Speed Wunder Tight Striped Reflective though it doesn’t look like they are still for sale..BUT there appears to be some on Poshmark! They are quite bright in the dark!!
Well, having never run more than maybe 30 miles in a week 57 does sound like lot!
I’m not actually a big caffeine fiend in general, but I do find a fast & then caffeine on race day gives me a boost.
The dogs are so cute!
Have a great week; you are ready!
Thanks Judy! I definitely love my daily coffee so going without will be tough!
You sure have put in a lot of hard work! Good luck next weekend can’t wait to hear how it goes
Thank you Deb!
Another solid week! I’m not a big coffee drinker but I found that eliminating coffee for the week prior to a race really does make me feel the extra burst during the race. Usually I can’t tell. Good luck if you try it! And good luck for the race!
Good to know, thanks for your input!
Caffeine fast? Oh hell now! I am so excited for you to get back to form at Indy! Fingers crossed that it goes well for you. Brr to those temps, tho. Hopefully, it will be a little bit warmer for you!
haha, right? I reacted the same way at first, but now I’m giving it a go….
Congratulations, you are almost at the start line! The caffeine fast is an interesting idea, but I don’t think I could do it. I only drink one cup of coffee a day but if I don’t have it, I get a severe headache.
It is a challenge for me as well!
That’s a bummer about the Vaporflys. Mine feel like buttah. Best of luck at the marathon, and enjoy the taper – or at least the week your coach is giving you!
Ha, so true..not much of a taper!
I know, I am sad about the 4%’s…and the wasted $$!
It sounds like your training has gone so well and you are ready for your race! Good luck and have fun!
Thank you Lisa!
I’ll be at Monumental this weekend running the half. I’ve done the half and the full there a few times. It’s a great course for a fast time! Super excited for you – I hope you have an awesome race!
Awesome, good luck on the half!
Good luck in Indy!! I was wondering how the weather would be. I have a lot of friends running it. And also a friend who decided she wasn’t going to wear her Next% shoes either. Sounds like there is not a lot of structure/structure to them? She said she was having a pain of some sort. I’m excited for you. Hope it all goes great!!
Oh, interesting to hear your friend had similar issues with the 4%’s!
Thank you for the well wishes Lisa!
WOOHOO marathon week! So exciting! Caffeine rest weeks aren’t horrible and I do find them helpful leading up to a race, but it’s not like it makes that big of a difference if you take the break or not. I’m so pumped for you for next weekend!
Hmm..if you’ve tried them, I might give it a go! Starting tomorrow 🙂
So exciting, can’t believe this is your fourth marathon of the year. You’re amazing. And those doggie costumes – adorable!! Go well in your race, can’t wait to hear all about it!
Thanks Liz!
I am so excited for you! I’ve enjoyed following along on your training. Have a great race!
A caffeine fast. WOW.
Congrats on a solid training cycle. You’re going to have an amazing marathon. Can’t wait to see how you do.
What weather app is that? I love its precision.
Congrats on Ruth’s graduation. Animal trainers have to have the most patience ever. Love your run commute hat. I just bought a version of it – doesn’t have the finisher tag but has the sparkly pom pom and I’m team sparkle.