6 weeks until the Boston marathon!
That means spring is almost here, right? This week’s weather offered some challenges, but looking forward to next week, it appears that “false spring” might be here – there’s a high of 50 in the forecast for Minneapolis!
Here’s how training for the Boston marathon went this week:
Monday: I wasn’t sure about trail conditions after the terrible ice over the weekend, so I just opted for a recovery run on the treadmill before work, 7 miles, 9 min/mile. After work, I did 20 min of core with Selena + 10 min of upper body with Tunde on the Peloton app.
Tuesday: My friend Christie was willing to start at 5:30 am, as she also had a longer workout. The trails around the lakes were actually quite clear, it was just getting to the lakes from my house that was a little treacherous; there was lots of walking on icy sidewalks and roads until I arrived at the lake. Then my workout was 30 min easy, 12×2 min hard intervals with 90 sec recovery, cool-down.
10 miles, 9 min/mile average.
I walked some of the recoveries, or at least parts of them to catch my breath.
On my cool-down, I encountered a rafter of turkeys wandering in the sunrise on Bde Maka Ska and caught a picture of one of them in the sun!
By the end of that run, I actually felt somewhat warm, even though it was only 15 degrees!
I followed up the run with 20 min of upper body + 10 min core on Peloton.
That evening, Dustin and I flew to Michigan to visit my parents. Even though I’m technically back in the office (hybrid), I was able to work remotely from Michigan, (same with Dustin), which was great. You might recall from this post that my mom was recently hospitalized. She’s home now and even got her feeding tube out while we were there, which is great progress. She’s still dealing with a lot, so I’m glad I could spend some time there.
It had been quite a long time since Dustin and I had been to Michigan! (I grew up in Beloit, Wisconsin, but my parents moved to Michigan for my dad’s job after I left for the University of Minnesota.)
Wednesday: 8.4 miles, 9 min/mile average. My dad directed me to this new trail system near their house, which was lovely. It was also 45 degrees and sunny. Amazing.
What a treat- clear trails! No hat!
Later in the day, I used some 5 pound dumbbells I found at my parents’ house to do a 10 min arms & light weights class + 10 min core on Peloton.
Thursday: Another sunny Michigan morning run! I had 30 minutes easy, 20 minutes moderate, 5 min easy, 10 minutes slightly faster, 15 minutes to cool-down. 9.7 miles, 8:44 min/mile average. Great run. I really enjoyed this one.
Same outfit as the day before, yes. I swear, I did laundry, ha!
Friday: I had hoped to do my long run early Friday since I had been enjoying those clear trails and milder temps, but of course, the weather didn’t cooperate…The snow followed me from Minnesota to Michigan!
I was up and ready to go, but then looked out the window to see 4-5 inches of new snow on the ground.
I thought I could still give it a try, but the trail I ran on was not plowed and it was tough going.
I managed 4 miles, but was going over 10 min/mile so I knew I wouldn’t have time to get in my full long run. I called it quits and moved some things around on my training schedule.
Michigan has some big weather swings, as it had been 65 degrees last weekend but of course not while I’m there. I can’t escape the snow!
Same trail. Much different view!
10 min core + 10 min upper body later in the day.
Saturday: I actually had a potential 20 miler on my schedule as the long run, but with the weather as it was in Michigan, my coach and I chatted and moved it to next weekend (when it might be 50 degrees in Minneapolis!) Instead, I had 13 easy miles with Dustin, though they weren’t all that easy since the trails were still snow covered!
13.1 miles, 8:50 min/mile average. No picture as we were in a bit of a rush to shower, pack up, and head to the airport.
Our visit to my parents may seem to have included a lot of running- it’s just what we do! My parents understand. I would run in the morning before logging on to work and Dustin would run after he was done with work. But there was a lot of downtime too of course, chatting, cooking, and enjoying meals with my dad (my mom is only drinking Boost & Ensure right now.) I’m grateful that I was able to spend this time with them both and that Dustin could join me as well.
We returned home Saturday afternoon; I was so excited to see both pups! Ruth was at Pampered Pooch Playground where she plays all day, and Matilda was at her bff Breck’s house:
Sunday: Daylight Savings Time! Since we had just been in Michigan on EST, it didn’t seem like a big deal, though the dogs actually slept in until almost 7 am before wanting breakfast.
Dustin and I ran a quick 4 miles with Ruth and then 4 more just the two of us, 8:30 min/mile average. Ruth had a big week at Pampered Pooch Playground, so even though she can run 8, I didn’t want to overdo it, so just 4 for her today. But the sun was shining, the trails were clear, and it was 35 degrees! I was overdressed in a light long-sleeve + light jacket. Yay for spring?!?
Summary: 60 miles of running (even though it was a cutback in the long run), daily 10 min of core, lower amount of strength training than usual since I was at my parents.
And that’s a wrap on life and training for the Boston Marathon!
I’m linking up as always with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner as part of their Weekly Rundown. Check it out!
6 weeks seems soon! So glad you got to visit your parents and that your Mom is getting better. Wow on the weather, though. A few inches of fresh snow would be tough to run in. I’m glad you were able to rearrange your training to take the weather into account.
I love the photo with the turkey!
Thank you Coco! I’m glad she is recovering, even though it’s a long road.
Those 4-5 inches were tough! Like running in loose sand.
The turkey brightened my day!
Great job getting most of your running workouts done while in Michigan! I love how you said you can’t escape the snow, LOL. At least you know how to respect it, and it doesn’t phase you (unless there’s ice underneath).
Well, I think respecting it might have been me accepting that I couldn’t run as fast in it to get a long run done before starting work! 🙂
Lovely that you got to spend time with your parents, but all that snow, oh dear!
It was indeed lovely to see them!
I’m glad your mom is better, but that still sounds pretty tough! It’s great that you got to go see your parents. I hope the weather cooperates for your 20 miler this coming weekend! I like how 45 degrees is warm, no-hat weather for you. It dipped down to 50 last night here, and I wore a hat for my run! What can I say- I’m a Florida sissy.
Haha, yes, I’m sure if I didn’t live here, 45 wouldn’t feel so nice, but it was a great temp for a workout!
Wow, you still got a lot of miles in even in spite of that weather! Very impressive. I’m so glad your mom is recovering. Will she be able to eat food again?
Here’s to hoping you have warmer temperatures and dry trails this week! Me too! :p
Hopefully! Basically she has to re-train the muscles in her throat to swallow again, they were so damaged in the surgery to remove the tumor. Ideally she will be on real food again at some point in the future! I know she is very tired of the Boost and Ensure…It was hard because I would cook dinner and she could smell it and wanted some 🙁 but couldn’t have it.
Here’s hoping we both have clear trails soon!
Wow. 60 miles as a cut back week!
Yay for the progress for your mom! I’m so glad that you were able to spend time with her. Happiness is a clear trail, #amiright? Yes, I was sad that we’ll have to start over with that too.
I was surprised I still had 60 with the shorter long run, but it was those two longer midweek workouts that added up.
Thank you for the kind words on my mom, much appreciated Judy.
That’s great that you could work and travel home. Glad that your mom is doing better. There’s an awful lot of snow in your running pics lol. Our paths were starting to clear and now we’re starting all over. So frustrating.
Great training week. Time is going by so quickly
I’m glad I could work remotely and still visit my parents. It worked out well.
My mom likes to sleep later so when I’m there I try to go out for my run or bike ride before she gets up so I’m not away from her as long. Of course, when I’m running, I’m not out nearly as long as you when you’re on a long run.
I love your jacket in your Sunday picture!
I was usually up and out the door before my parents got up as well, and then would chat with them while I made/ate breakfast It all worked out!
I’ll bet your parents were thrilled to see you and Dustin. Sending continued recovery vibes for your mom. Do R and M miss each other when they are separated? I’m wondering how Michigan got 65 degrees and Chicago had nothing even close last week. Color me jelly! Haha! I don’t have to tell you the next 6 weeks are going to fly!
Thank you Marcia. I am very glad I could spend time with her.
I do think Ruth and Matilda miss each other! But its a bigger ask for a friend to watch BOTH; Matilda is much more lowkey, whereas Ruth is still a bit wild and destructive. I don’t love to split them, but sometimes we have to!
I’m so glad your mom is doing better, and that you were able to spend some time with them.
The weather swings are unreal. I’m actually a little freaked out by the continual drastic ups and downs. I wonder what will come of it all?
Six weeks! You are so ready!
Thank you so much Jenn! So great to spend time with them.
I agree- the swings are crazy!
That is cool to see wild turkeys out on your run. I would be nervous navigating those trails early morning as well. Nice you got to visit your parents this week. Way to fit in a solid training week!
Thank you Deb!
That turkey pic was crazy when I saw it on IG or Strava earlier this week. Still cool. Glad you were able to visit your folks and so happy to hear your mom is improving. This hybrid work situation has faciltated some good things.
Totally agree! The ability to work from my parents was a game changer.
I can’t believe Boston is sneaking up so fast! Can’t wait! Solid week of running, Jessie! I just had my longest week of running since 2015 – getting up there with your big miles!
Thinking of you and your mom ♡
Thank you so much Erin!
I’m so glad you got to visit your parents – it’s great to hear that your mom is doing better. I hope her recovery continues to go smoothly.
Awesome job logging all the miles even with the travel! Boston will be here before you know it!
Thank you Michelle!
Another great week of training for you! It seems like Winter wanted to hit us with one last 1-2 punch of crazy weather this weekend but hopefully we won’t have to deal with any more snow!
That’s great that you were able to visit Michigan and spend some time with your mom. So glad to hear that she is doing better and recovering well.
Thank you Kim!
I’m impressed you did laundry between those runs! My jacket goes many runs before washing. You have a nice collection of jackets btw (very necessary, right?). Ann Arbor is home to the PR Run Club, which several of our area (Toledo) runners are members of. Ann Arbor has some hills – perfect for Boston training!
Oh, how fun! So cool you have a connection to Ann Arbor! My parents live in Kalamazoo, but my mom’s doctors are mostly at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor- but I haven’t run there before!
I only brought two jackets to Michigan- sometimes I don’t want the outer layer every time, but it was sweaty enough to be necessary 🙂