This is my first time linking up with Deb and Coco for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date. This link-up is a bit more personal, a bit more random…
Here goes!
If we were having coffee together, mine would probably be a non-fat latte.
That’s usually my coffee order of choice! I don’t like a lot of sugar or sweetener, just coffee or espresso with some sort of a milk. I’m also a fan of a misto (coffee with steamed milk). When I make a latte at home, I use oat milk only because that’s what we have in our fridge, but I’m not too picky with what kind, whole milk is a nice treat sometimes! I don’t mind tea, but I am more of a ‘sleepy time’ tea drinker, i.e. a mug before bed.
So now that you know what I’m drinking for our coffee date, here’s what’s on my mind this week…
It was a stressful week…
I usually keep this blog a bit more fitness-focused, but sometimes other parts of life inevitably make their way in.
A bit of background- my mom has a few underlying health conditions and has had a lot of health scares over the past few years; this past week was a significant one.
She had undergone surgery to remove a malignant tumor from her throat (plus her lymph nodes); she was released post-surgery (still with a feeding tube and drains on her throat), but ended up being rushed back to the hospital in an ambulance the next day due to confusion (which ended up being caused by an infection) + an array of other complications from the surgery.
It was a very scary couple of days while we waited for her to get transferred from her local hospital to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (where she had the original surgery.) Visitors were limited, of course. My dad was there, and one of my sisters was there (as much as she could be, with changing visitor policies due to Covid), but it was a lot of waiting for the rest of us to get text updates plus a lot of worry. The ICU, a ventilator, and the loss of the ability to communicate – my poor mom.
I would be remiss not to state that there were no beds in the ICU originally because of all of the Covid patients.
Please get vaccinated. Full stop.
There are so many downstream repercussions when you don’t. I am so grateful she finally could transferred to the University to get the care she needed, but I have heard too many stories where that is not the case and life-saving procedures are unable to be provided. Heartbreaking.
She is stable now and is recovering, which is a huge relief, but it will be a long road. Please keep her in your thoughts.
Here’s a blast from the past picture of my mom with her FIVE daughters (that’s me in the stroller!) She’s an amazing mom.
On to something lighter…
Once I got that off my chest at our coffee date, I’d probably want to keep things a little lighter, you know? That topic was a heavy lead but I don’t want that to be the only thing we catch up on.
Maybe we should pivot to a fitness discussion….
Let’s see…I’m proud of myself for completing the 4-Week Crush Your Core challenge on the Peloton app with Emma Lovewell. I did at least 10 minutes of core work every day for 4 weeks (even the day I ran the Baton Rouge marathon.) Usually I took Emma’s core classes from the program, but sometimes I’d mix in other instructors too. I can’t see any real visible differences, but I feel stronger. Daily core work was a good habit to get into. I hope to continue with it as best I can going forward!

Let’s talk about some new winter running gear, shall we?
I recently purchased the Down for it All Jacket from Lululemon (some colors are currently marked down!) per a recommendation from fellow blogger The Runner’s Plate, and it is SO warm. Almost too warm!
Honestly, I didn’t need to wear more than a thin long sleeve under it for 13.1 miles in 5 degree “feels like -5” temperatures last Saturday. There is a vest version of this jacket as well that I have been eying up. The Runner’s Plate lives in Alaska, so she probably knows a thing or two about winter running!
I also love the Altitude Athleta Polartec tights. They are very cozy/soft on the inside, but still functional for a long run. My new favorite winter running tights! (pictured above as well as below.)
Any new favorite winter running items for you? Please share!
The 2022 Boston Marathon
Finally, as my friend, you might be wondering how/when I qualified for the Boston Marathon. Great question!
Technically my 3:37:54 finish time from the Indianapolis Marathon in 2019 was still within the window to qualify for the 2022 race. Usually the window is 18 months, but due to Covid, it was extended a bit.
The qualifying time for me (a 40 year-old female) is sub-3:40.
What matters is the age you are when you run the Boston marathon (I’ll be 40), not the age you were when you qualified (I was 38). I hope that helps clear things up!
When I submitted my time, I honestly didn’t think the 2 minutes 6 seconds under 3:40 would be enough, considering the buffer for 2021 was over 7 minutes! Yet, surprisingly for the 2022 Boston race, ANYONE with a qualifying time got in, i.e. the buffer was 0:00 for the first time in years!
It’s true that running Boston again doesn’t help me with my 50-state goal (I ran Boston in 2017, so I already checked Massachusetts off the list), but we don’t have a ‘next state’ planned yet, so I don’t mind tossing in another Boston for fun.
I am excited to pick out a fun one after Boston though for my 40th marathon (Boston is #39.)
Dustin has run Boston three times; I was able to be his cheer squad two of those times (the other time, we were both running it); he actually encouraged me to register as he wanted to be the spectator this time! He went to high school (Tabor Academy) and undergrad (Tufts University) in Boston and always loves to have another reason to visit.
There is such a stacked line-up of US elites racing Boston this year, I know he’ll have fun as a spectator. And we are staying at the Fairmont Copley Plaza, which is often where a lot of the elites stay! Maybe Molly Seidel and I will grab a post-race beer together. 🙂
So, I am back at marathon training with Boston as the goal in 11 weeks. (Check back tomorrow for my weekly recap of training!)
And that’s a wrap on my first Coffee Date!
Be sure to stop by Deb and Coco‘s blogs and the others who linked up with them today and connect with some virtual friends over a virtual cup of coffee!
I’m so sorry to hear about your mom, that’s so, very hard, especially being far away. 🙁 I hope you get some good therapeutic running in this weekend and that’s great you will be able to run Boston again. 🙂
Thank you Sarah. It has been tough- some solid therapeutic running has helped for sure.
Sending all the positive vibes that your mom heals up and continues to stay healthy. That’s a stressful event for sure. Hugs! It’s so crazy they are letting everyone run Boston this year. Wish it was me. It’s so fun to stay downtown. I’m sure you will run into some elites. Maybe out on a shakeout run!
Thank you Lisa, I appreciate that!
It is crazy that there is no buffer this year for Boston- though when I first go into running, if you ran a 3:39:59, you were in! And then we lost five minutes, and another five minutes and then the buffer, ha!
I’m sending your mom all the best vibes for a speedy and full recovery. That’s so difficult in these Covid times. Hugs! That pic of your mom and her brood of chicks is precious! I am one of 6 and it’s crazy to see our parents SO young with #allthekids! Love the color of that jacket and a big yes to Altitudes!
Thank you so much Marcia, that is very kind. I didn’t know you were one of 6! Love the big families 🙂
The Altitudes are the warmest. I need another pair!
The first time I BQ’d I wouldn’t have had I not been moving into a new age group two weeks after the MCM and several months before Boston. Perhaps Dustin can write a guest post about his celebrity sitings as he spectates!
Haha, I’ll suggest that to him!
It’s nuts how the BQ times have changed. When I first got into marathons, the fastest qualifying time for women was 3:40, but you could run a 3:39:59 and not have a worry about actually registering! Now the fastest women’s time is sub 3:30!
Sending all the positive aloha your way, Jessie. It must be super hard to not be there with her. I felt exactly that way when my mom had some health issues.
Good luck with Boston training, hoping that the runs will help cope with the situation.
Thank you so much Eri. I appreciate the kind words!
So sorry about your Mum, Jessie. I wish her a speedy recovery. Knowing she has a loving family around her must be very comforting for her.
Thanks for the insight on the BQ details. So exciting that you get to run it for a second time! I would definitely do that too, even if it doesn’t add another state to your list.
Thanks Catrina. Yes, my mom is well-loved!
So glad you joined the coffee date! I always love to hear what’s going on with people in addition to fitness. That is so stressful and scary about your mom. I hope she continues to recover well- I’ll be thinking about you guys and sending love and healing vibes! Very exciting about Boston- and crazy that the buffer was 0! I can’t wait to hear all about it. i love The Runners Plate and have been following her for years (yay for her recent sub-3 marathon!!!) One last thing- did you do your ten minutes of core work BEFORE of… Read more »
Thank you for the kind words Jenny.
I’m a recent follower of the Runner’s Plate- she does virtual strength training with Discover Strength, which is based in Minneapolis, so I found her through a social media post of theirs! Her sister is a runner and nutritionist too that I follow.
I did the core later in the day after the marathon 🙂 It was hard to get motivated to do it that day!
Hugs to you, your family, and your mom. I know somewhat how that feels, although thankfully neither of my parents ever needed a ventilator, knock on wood. Here’s to a complete recovery!
I actually do have lots of cold weather gear, so most of the shopping has stopped. For now I have a North Face Thermoball that I use for the coldest (to me) weather, and I wear a short sleeve tee under it — it’s that warm. I’ve actually had to break that out a few times already!
Thank you Judy, yes, you’ve definitely experienced the struggles of a parent with health issues.
I’ll have to check out the Thermoball!
wow that is scary with your mom! I hope she is starting to feel better and able to be discharged soon. Exciting that you will finally be able to run your Boston race this year! I also have the down for it all jacket and yes, it is super warm. Admittedly, I just bought another jacket from Lulu bc I loved the pink color. I think I have a problem…Thanks for joining the coffee date
Thanks Deb. She’s still in the SICU but stable.
I did run Boston already, in 2017, with a 3:35 time, but have received questions about how I’m running it this time.
I will check out the pink coat!
Oh no, how frightening with your mom. I’ll keep all of you in my thoughts. That clearly 80s pic with your sisters. How could I tell without even knowing your age? We all had the white trimmed shorts your sister on the left was wearing.
My favorite winter tights are courtesy of you and Deborah – the Rainier Athleta ones. I now own three and they’re perfect. There might be a fourth one coming my way via Poshmark too.
I’m glad you like the Rainier tights! I would guess it doesn’t get quite cold enough to need the Altitudes in NYC! The Rainier should work for most days for you 🙂
Ha, yes, that pic was very 80’s! Love it.
I think I could have used the ALtitudes on Saturday, but I layered a pair of Cuddl Dudds under my Skirt tights. Wouldn’t work well for running, but odds of my running when I need that many layers are… slim. I think I’d rather use the closet space on another pair of Rainier
Definitely! My Rainier get a lot more air time than the Altitudes, even in Minnesota!
Awesome job completing the Crush your Core challenge! I love that Peloton has a few fun programs like that, although they are a bit more rigid now.
So sorry to hear about health scare with your mom, but glad to hear that she is recovering and getting better. Sending her tons of prayers and good vibes. As you know, my dad had a significant health scare earlier this year so if you ever want to chat/vent, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Thank you so much Kim, that’s so nice of you to offer, I know you’ve been through it.
Awww, Jessie, i’m so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she completely recovers.
I love that jacket! I have a NorthFace thermoball–I think it must be similar. It is THE jacket I run in when it’s brutally cold. It would definitely stand up to Minnesota winters.
Excited for you to run Boston! I assumed you had run it before!!
I did! I think I mention that. I ran it in 2017.
Multiple mentions of this Thermoball! I’ll have to check it out.
Thanks for the well wishes for my mom.
So sorry to hear about your mom! That is such a cute family photo. Nice running tights. I haven’t got any winter outdoor gear for awhile since I’ve been doing alot of treadmill runs lately.
I don’t hesitate to turn to the treadmill when it’s slippery but have been trying to get outside with friends for the longer ones!
Oh wow, Jessie, so sorry to hear about your poor mother. What a scare! That’s exciting news to have Boston on your schedule! Your Lululemon jacket looks nice! I have run with my “winter jacket” a few times, which is technically not athletic wear, but on a whim (last winter, I think?), I wore a base layer underneath and it was a perfect combo for a cold winter day. Huh…whodda thunk? LOL I’ll be thinking of you and your family, wishing healing and good vibes, as your mother recovers.
Thank you Kim, I appreciate the virtual support!
Some winter jackets would work well for that, as long as you still have good range of motion!
It’s so nice to see you for coffee. 😉 I’m really sorry about your mom. That is a lot to go through. I’m glad she’s recovering at home now.
I think Boston would be worth a double state. I mean, it’s BOSTON!
Well, not home yet, still in Ann Arbor at the hospital…probably for another week at least. But thank you for the kind words Coco.
Boston should be fun! I think with the 0.00 buffer, there will be a lot of very grateful runners there!
I am so sorry about your mom. I am sending good vibes your way for a full recovery. I have that Lululemon vest and I love it! Athleta is my brand of choice at the moment tho. I BQ’d in 2018 for 2020 but then COVID happened. I was able to apply for 2021 with the same qualifying time but with a shortened running field (they cut it by 10,000 runners) I didn’t get in. So disappointing. I did run it virtually (I do not recommend) so I got my medal and shirt but it’s as you well know, not… Read more »
Thank you Denise for the kind words on my mom.
Athleta makes incredible winter running gear!
I’m sorry to hear about your experience with Boston, that is so frustrating ☹️ I agree, virtual is not the same. Though I do love the red, white, and blue jacket from that year!
I’m really sorry to hear about your mom. Having just gone through a major health scare with my mom I know how stressful that can be. And, don’t even get me started on the lack of available beds!
I’m hoping to volunteer at Boston again – it would be great to see you while you’re here!
How great that you are volunteering again! I hope to see you in Boston!
Yes, you’re familiar with dealing with a sick parent (and the lack of beds..) I hope your mom is doing better.
Sorry to hear about your mom. Sending healing thoughts your way.
I’m a latte drinker… must have coffee in the morning. If I drink tea, it’s only to relax at bedtime.
Looks like you’ve had some snowy cold weather running too.
That is so exciting about the Boston Marathon. I doubt I will ever qualify but I love read about others’ efforts. And the age thing is great.. Getting older has its perks if you are a runner.
Thanks Darlene.
[…] she’ll be in the hospital for awhile. I shared a bit more on a post earlier this week, the February Ultimate Coffee Date with Deb and Coco. Please get vaccinated. And thank you to all the wonderful health care workers who have helped her […]
So sorry to hear about your mum’s troubles, that is indeed a point, beds being held up with Covid patients. I hope she continues to improve, and I love that pic of all of you.
Thank you Liz!
[…] though she’ll be in the hospital for awhile. I shared a bit more on a post earlier this week, the February Ultimate Coffee Date with Deb and Coco. Please get vaccinated. And thank you to all the wonderful health care workers who have helped her […]
I am sorry to hear about your mom! Sending hugs to you and your family. That is a cute picture of all of you. I do wish we all had one with my mom – she has 6 daughters. I LOVE that jacket and want to get it not for running but to wear like a “norma” jacket. I use the Oiselle insulated vim jacket for cold weather running and it works great. However, I am over the cold weather running. Good luck on Boston!! I am so happy and excited for you.
Thank you very much Zenaida, I appreciate the kind words. 6 daughters! Wow, and I thought 5 was a lot 🙂
I will definitely wear the Down for it all jacket as a normal jacket, though I wish I would have sized up so I could wear it over regular sweaters, etc. It runs snug.
I never bought the VIM but should have! People seem to love it for cold running!
[…] was able to work remotely from Michigan, (same with Dustin), which was great. You might recall from this post that my mom was recently hospitalized. She’s home now and even got her feeding tube out while […]
[…] was able to work remotely from Michigan, (same with Dustin), which was great. You might recall from this post that my mom was recently hospitalized. She’s home now and even got her feeding tube out while we […]