Our mild-ish Minneapolis winter has continued another week; we don’t have any snow or ice to push me to the treadmill. So I’m taking full advantage for now and getting outside as much as I can!
Here’s how this past week went in fitness:
Monday: 7 miles solo and then I picked up Ruth for two at the end, 8:58 min/mile average. Discover Strength virtual 1:1 after work. I know I mentioned this last week, but Discover Strength is still offering free virtual sessions for all nurses and MD’s. This is the perfect time to try one! I feel like they have kept me strong throughout the quarantine. I’m obviously a big fan!
Tuesday: 7 miles with my friends Christie and Julie; they’re part of my pandemic bubble!
Wednesday: Workout Wednesday! 3 miles easy, 15×1 minute at 7:15-7:30, 90 second recovery, 2 mile cool-down. 9.42 miles total, 9 min/mile average. Virtual 1:1 after work. There was a lovely light around Bde Maka Ska in the morning!

Virtual 1:1 strength training with Discover Strength after work.
All the running has definitely been offset by all the holiday cookies, ha!
I received this cookie box from Tilia:

And additionally, ahead of a virtual work holiday party, I received a huge box of MORE cookies from Chip City in NYC!

I went from having minimal sweets in the house to having way too many!
Thursday: 8 miles easy before work. Beautiful sunrise around Lake Harriet.

I dressed a little bit festive for the run, in an old Sweaty Betty top, which was perfect for a 30-degree morning run.

That evening was my company’s virtual holiday party, which included an improv group. I did NOT volunteer to participate but all of a sudden I was unmuted on zoom and on the screen!
Ahh! It went okay though, but I was not prepared.

Dustin came into my office right when it happened and grabbed the above pic. 🙂
Friday: I squeezed in a quick 4 miler with Ruth in the morning and then a virtual 1:1 strength session after work.
Saturday: Long run day! It was 27 degrees, but very windy; the “feels like” temp was 17 degrees. I had a bit of a workout in my long run: 3 miles easy, 5x (1 mile at marathon pace, 1 mile easy), 1 mile easy and then 1 mile with BOTH dogs at the end! 15 miles total, 9 min/mile average.

I am participating in the #RunChatHunt scavenger hunt that’s going on:

Found a bridge!

And a body of water (Lake Harriet) and a live animal (a goose!)

Sunday: 5.2 miles with Dustin and Ruth, 8:35 min/mile average.
Summary: 57.5 miles! 3 strength training sessions. A full week! I need a nap, ha! Lots of time in the Normatec boots. This upcoming week should be a bit of a cutback, but I’m grateful to be running healthy and getting outside as much as I can! It definitely helps during this crazy year.
One random thing from this week- I received a race package with a shirt, medal, and bib for an L.L. Bean Flannel Run. I have no idea what race this is and I definitely did not register for it!

I’m linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner Check it out!
well you sure did run all the miles this week! You look pretty happy about it. I say, you deserve some of those cookies. that LL Bean race swag is cute
Thanks Deborah, I’ve definitely been enjoying the cookies!
Love the photos and the miles and the biscuits! Hooray! Also the Christmas tops. The scavenger hunt is great – we have a weekly one in running club this month and handily we have SNOWMAN this week and I have one on my front window! Win!
What a great idea with a weekly scavenger hunt for your running club!
That race swag is interesting! Someone sent you a Secret Santa gift, I guess! LOL
Nice miles this week! Yes, I’m with you on taking advantage of this wonderful weather!
I have a feeling it was a mix-up and was meant to be a race package from something I actually did register for, but who knows?
Your unexpected LL Bean swag just gave me an idea for a new virtual race. A bunch of races could pool together and you wouldn’t know which one you’d get swag from until you ran the race;-) I’m really trying to stick to the treadmill so that I get used to it BUT we had the best weather this week so I was more than happy to opt outside.
I feel like I’ll have plenty of time to get used to the treadmill when it snows/is icy, so getting outside as much as I can!
Great idea for a virtual race!
So strange that you got that race stuff and you didn’t sign up! Great job with all the running. Gotta enjoy getting outside before the snow comes!
You received some yummy treats this week! I love that your job had a virtual holiday party – such a nice way to stay connected and spread some holiday cheer!
It was a good party, the best as could be expected during a pandemic!
That’s weird about the LL Bean package. They have that race here, too, but I didn’t sign up for it (have considered it but didn’t). Wow, running with both dogs! I use to do intervals for a short bit with Lola & Chester; they loved that. I also used to run around a “track” (it was at a local elementary school and really just a small dirt oval, but it’s part of how I started running!). I’d put the dogs in a down stay while I ran around. They were so good. I would never trust Bandit to do that… Read more »
I have never even heard of the Flannel Run, it’s not a local Minneapolis race!
Yay on random run mail and cookies. I love too close to Insomnia and the UES location of Levain. The latter smelled way too good on a cold run the other day but I avoided.
Winter light is just the best
I haven’t heard of Insomnia. Have you been to Chip City? It’s a NYC store.
Your waste will be happy you don’t know Insomnia, but they have great social stuff. Wasn’t familiar with CHip City until your post, but gooey caught my attention as mm yummy warm cookies
Nice swag from the mystery race 😉 We had a wonderful warm spell sweep through Iowa mid-week, but it hastily vacated Friday morning. Similar temps here on Saturday; the wind wasn’t too painful until we were running due north and had the wind and some snow flurries in our faces LOL Great mileage!
I love all the miles and am enjoying the weather.
That’s crazy about the LL Bean virtual swag. Looks like you took full advantage of the mild weather before it slips away. Yum cookies!
The cookies were all great, on a sugar high!
LOL on the mystery flannel race bling — it looks nice, though. I love your Sweaty Betty top! That’s a lot of cookies! I have a freezer full after baking today, and need to figure out how to give some away.
Thanks Coco!
Another great week for you! So what will you do with the gear you received?
I threw away the medal and bib and kept the shirt for now, figured I could use it as a throwaway at a future race.
That’s hysterical about the random race bling. Why does stuff like that never show up at my house?
Those rainbow cookies wouldn’t last long at my house. They are my favorites.
I love your lakefront pictures! How pretty 🙂
Running absolutely has helped me dial back the crazy this year. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t run during the pandemic. I try to take advantage of random good weather too- only here in Florida it usually means having random cool mornings closer to spring/summer 😉
That mystery race swag is pretty random! Maybe it’s like all of the Amazon ordering going on… you’re registering for virtual races and have forgotten about them. LOL! Great job on all the miles this week!
Great workouts as usual! Those Chip City cookies looks yummy! I made two batches of cookies this past week and they’re in the freezer waiting for next week.