I'm all about the sports bra squad on really hot runs and have no shame whatsoever in losing my top to stay comfortable when necessary! But sometimes you still want/need to wear a shirt, even on really hot runs. So I put together a quick list for you of my five favorite summer running tops right now: Oiselle Pleated Tank Buy it HERE This is my recent favorite tank- so much so, that I Continue Reading
Fitting Remarks: What You Actually Need to Train for a Marathon
So you are thinking about training for a marathon but you're feeling a little overwhelmed about what you will need to get started. There's so much information out there, it's hard to know what do you really need to train for a marathon? Here is my list of 5 things you'll definitely need to start training for a marathon: A Plan. Running Shoes Weather Specific Gear Time A Continue Reading
Friday Five: The Five Basic Parts to a Marathon Training Plan
Friday Five is back today with the five basic parts to a marathon training plan! There are tons of great plans available online or maybe you're thinking about using a running coach (me! me! me! ha!) but if you are designing your plan yourself, there are 5 basic things that you should include. Cornerstone Long Run Easy miles Speed Tempo Rest/Cross training Let's break it Continue Reading
Friday Favorites: A Random List of Things I’m Loving Lately.
Happy Friday! I don't know about you, but I am so ready for the weekend. Just for fun today I thought I'd share a random list of some of my recent favorites- not running related. Just a hodgepodge of things I am enjoying lately: 1. Newman's Own Ginger Mints I love anything ginger. Like the Gin-Gin chewy ginger candy, ginger tea etc. These mints are my favorite way to get a little dose of Continue Reading
Friday Five: Last Minute Tips For The Marathon
Five Last Minute Tips For the Marathon You've done the training. You've made it this far. Now it's race day. Now it's time for the fun! But before the excitement and fun of the actual marathon, I have one last post with some tips for race day. The Twin Cities Marathon is this Sunday (as well as the Portland Marathon and the Chicago Marathon, I have friends running in both of those. Continue Reading
You Know You’re About to Run The Twin Cities Marathon If…..
"How do you know someone is running a marathon?" "Don't worry. They'll tell you." But there are other ways people will know you're about to run a marathon. For many of you, that marathon is the Twin Cities Marathon this Sunday, October 9th! Here are some ways I can tell that you're about to conquer TCM 2016! 1. Your want to eat ALL the things. Taper hunger is real! 2. You are Continue Reading
Friday Five Favorites: Most Comfortable Non-Running Shoes
Today's installment of Friday Five Favorites is a list of my favorite NON-running shoes. If I could wear my Brooks Ravenna's all day every day, I would, but unfortunately they aren't always acceptable (i.e. work in an office). Since most of us aren't lucky enough to have lives that allow us to wear workout clothes all day, it's important that we have good, supportive shoes for these times that Continue Reading