Fits on the home! Warning, this post includes a lot of pictures! Minneapolis is a great city for runners. Don't believe me? Check out this recent article in Runner's World, ranking Minneapolis #7 of 50! So proud. Generally, this blog is all about running, but today we'll be talking about another thing that the Twin Cities are well-known for other than running- the Minnesota State Continue Reading
Weekly Recap & the Minnesota State Fair!
Another week of training for the Richmond Marathon is complete! Here's how it all went down. Monday: 2 mile warmup, 8x300m sprints, 90 second recovery in between each, 2 mile cool down. The 300m repeats were supposed to be at a 7 min/mile pace, but I was closer to a 7:15. 7 miles total. Tuesday:Morning run with my friend Monica, 8:35 average pace, 6.5 miles total. Evening run with Matilda Continue Reading