Can you tell which leg is broken? It's looking so much better! Still swollen of course, but better. Before I delve into my regular weekly recap, I want to ask you to check out this post from earlier in the week. 10 Things I've Learned So Far From a Broken Leg I think you'll really enjoy it and it does a great job of explaining where I am right now. And if you've been injured before, hopefully Continue Reading
Fitting Remarks: How We Chose Our Treadmill.
After many years of wishing for one, we finally purchased a treadmill! Hallelujah! . It's my new best friend (after Matilda, of course.) We are going to be spending a lot of time together, this treadmill and me. And so far, so good! No one to hover over my shoulder waiting for their turn, no reset at 60 minutes. No need to pack a bag and drive to the gym. Nope! Just walk down a few Continue Reading