If you’re a morning runner like me, you have probably noticed that it’s pretty dark out there in the early hours these days. I don’t think the sun even rises until 7:30 am! So if you are fitting in your run in before work, you’re probably running in the dark. (Actually, if you're running AFTER work, you might be running in the dark too. Dark, dark, dark, all the time!) When it comes to dark Continue Reading
Fitness Fashion Friday: Oiselle Pro Kit Leggings & Wazelle Long Sleeve
Happy Fitness Fashion Friday! Today I have a quick post for you on some Oiselle fitness fashion items. First of all, make sure you are following Oiselle on social media- twitter, instagram, Facebook, etc, as they often have "flash" sales! I purchased these two items, the pro kit leggings and the wazelle long sleeve on super discount during a recent flash sale. Sure, they are not exactly in season Continue Reading
Friday’s Favorite Fit: The Field Jacket.
By Jess in MinneapolisFriday's Favorite Fit is coming to you a little late today. It was a busy week with a couple two-a-day workout days, a concert, and then handing out candy for trick-or-treaters last night. We had quite a few adorable kids stop by. Matilda dressed up as an ice cream sundae, and I donned a candy corn hat for the occasion. All high-fructose corn syrup costumes at our Continue Reading