Hello hello! I’m a bit behind with my weekly recap; in fact, I missed the link-up that I usually do as part of my recap. But for good reason! We were camping in Madeline Island in Wisconsin with very limited wifi.
First things first, I decided to end my Covid WFH run streak at 97 days.
I started on March 13 and ran every day, at least 3 miles a day and up to 16 miles as my longest run, for 787 miles or an average of 8 miles a day! I almost always had more than 55 miles per week, and sometimes 60.
But it just didn’t feel right anymore. I decided to end the streak.
Why not just push through to 100 days? I was starting to feel pretty tired on runs and a few new aches and pains had popped up. I could tell my body could really benefit from a complete and total rest day. Getting to 100 days wasn’t really that important to me; I had started the streak when I first started working from home, assuming it would only be 30 days or so. So 97 days was already a lot more than I had expected! When I saw the total mileage and average per day, I realized just how hard I had been pushing and decided to give myself a real break.
Just like that. Done. And no one probably even cares, ha! I have acquaintances who are on day 2500 + of run streaks, and I don’t have any desire to do that, so 97 was good and plenty for this runner.
Here’s how the rest of my week went in my pursuit of the right fit!
Monday: 4 miles with Ruth before work, 8:55 min/mile average.
Discover Strength virtual 1:1 after work, followed by a 5.3 mile run with Dustin at an 8:45 min/mile average.
It was HOT with Dustin and I’m not used to running after work, but it felt good. 9.3 miles on the day.
Tuesday: A sleepy 7 miler before work, 9:20 min/mile average
Wednesday: Workout Wednesday! Christie and I met up around 6 am. 20 minute warm-up and then a 3-2-1 ladder workout. 8.5 miles total, 9 min/mile average.
It was actually on the cool-down for this run that I decided the run streak was over. I just felt way too tired.
Discover Strength 1:1 strength training after work.
Thursday: 100% rest day.
Friday: Dustin and I (and Ruth and Matilda) were going camping over the weekend, so I wanted to get my long run out of the way. I started at 5:15, met Christie for a few miles, then our friend Julie joined for a few more, and then I finished out an easy half marathon before work!

I also squeezed in a 1:1 virtual training session with Discover Strength over the lunch hour to get in my 3rd session of the week.
Around 3 pm, we skipped out of work a bit early and hit the road to Duluth (northern Minnesota, about a 3 hour drive). We were going to be camping on Madeline Island, and thought it would be nice to split up the drive a bit by staying in Duluth Friday night. The Suites Hotel at Waterfront Plaza right in Canal Park has dog-friendly rooms available for $15/dog!
When we arrived, we took them for a long walk along the lakeshore, then grabbed a pint at the Canal Park Brewery on the patio (social distanced, masks encouraged), before grabbing some pizza at Pizza Luce to bring back to the hotel room.

It was my first time staying at a hotel since the pandemic; even though they claimed everything had been thoroughly sanitized, I wiped it all down again with Lysol. I was pretty anxious staying in the hotel, but hopefully it was okay. The dogs loved it!

Saturday morning, Ruth and I went for a 5.15 mile run along the lakeshore. It was so beautiful out! Saturday was actually supposed to be Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth. We saw plenty of runners out doing their virtual races.

After a quick shower, we hit the road to Madeline Island. We caught a ferry from Bayfield for the 20 minute ride over to the island. We drove our car onto the ferry, but you could get out of your car once you were on. The dogs weren’t too sure about the whole ferry thing!

We had a campsite at Big Bay Town Park, which was great. Our site was a bit of a walk into the woods away from the car, which made it a bit more secluded and quiet. Dogs were to be leashed at all times, so we hooked up a long rope between two trees and hooked their leashes onto it so they could move around quite a bit more! It worked well.

Madeline Island has lots of great hiking and a nice sandy beach with water activities (canoes, paddleboards, kayaks). The town on the island had a few small restaurants, really only open for takeout due to Covid-19, which was fine with us. We cooked at the campsite once and got takeout in town another night.

Sunday: Sunday morning, I ran 6 miles on the boardwalk along the beach; the actual boardwalk was probably only 1.5 miles, then it turned into a dirt path and then some sand, before I was out on a country road. Lovely run.

(All the Oiselle hanging out to dry!)

After the run, we did a great hike with the pups that was about 2 hours long. We were all ready for lunch after that!

We headed down to the beach to relax a bit, but then a big stormed rolled in. We were stuck in the tent for a few hours (I think the dogs appreciated the nap time!) before it finally let up.
When it first started to sprinkle, Ruth and Matilda were quick to go under the awning on the tent! Vizslas do not like the rain.

Monday: I ran 5 miles with Ruth before we packed everything up and headed home!

Summary: (not counting Monday) about 50 miles, 3 strength training sessions. 1 complete rest day!
I had a really great time camping, despite the mosquitoes and the ticks and the rain. It was so nice to get away and be outside in nature. It was Ruth’s first time camping and she definitely had a great time. Both pups are zonked out now (after they both got post-camping baths!)
Between the drive and time at the campsite, I read this book that my sister gave to me- it was a quick and enjoyable read.

I also read Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, which was so good! I tore right through that one.
I’m happy to be home tonight to sleep in my own bed. Sad I missed the weekly link-up, but sharing it here nonetheless!
The link-up is hosted by Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner. Check it out!
Wow 97 days that’s impressive! I’m on day 29 of my run streak and I already can’t wait for it to be over haha! My body is never happy with me when I streak so I typically only do the ones for a month or so. This one is Memorial day to the 4th of July so it’ll be around 41 days total. After that I’m taking a full rest day!
The camping looks fun and beautiful! What a gorgeous place to get some miles in!
Madeline Island was very nice! At least it was some sort of a getaway…
Good luck on your streak! I like the sound of that one much better!
Very smart idea to pull back if you were feeling tired. I am not a streaker as I am so injury prone it’s just not worth it for me. Love all the camping photos looks like a great time!
Thanks Deborah!
Yes, those extra few days just weren’t worth it to me.
I have a friend who is around 3,800 days into his run streak. Um not me, though I congratulate you for know when to stop. I’m so anal I would probably have needed those 100 days and ended up hurting myself. 🙂 I love the photos of your beautiful dogs!
Goodness! 3,800 days! Incredible.
I don’t think my body would tolerate a run streak, but if I made it 97 days, it should would be hard to quit — kudos to you for listening to your body! Your weekend away sounds great. I am not a camper — well, I’d go if someone else would supply the gear and do the planning, I don’t mind sleeping outside, etc. — but Covid might make me change that since it is an easy way to social distance! I
wouldn’t be too worried about the hotel — I think people-to-people contact is the main risk. 😉
Haha, it was easier than you’d think. I was so excited for the rest day.
And be honest, my husband did most of the planning and gear prep 🙂 I just tagged along and tried my best to be a good sport about it all, haha!
Congrats on your 97 day streak! There’s nothing to be gained holding out to 100, a smart runner knows when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em. And sigh, it is just a little depressing to have an exact day count on quarantine. Your vacation looks gorgeous.
Ha, exactly! Good point Becket. I knew when to fold them.
Great write up!! Our daughter’s name was inspired by Madeline Island.
You should run the Madeline Island half or full next May! It’s such a great and fun event! I was supposed to run the half again this year, but now planning/hoping for next year.
I remember you running that one! I just looked into it a bit..it basically runs the whole island! Where did you stay? Did you camp? I think I’d need a real bed before/after a marathon 🙂
We did an airbnb to rent a house on the island – it is early in the season so there were a few to pick from even at a relatively late date. There is 1 hotel as well, or you can stay in Bayfield and take the ferry over in the morning. I am friends with the race director and she sent us a few to consider.
Well done on the streak, but even better that you knew when it was time to end it. The longest I’ve streaked is 40 (maybe 41?) days, and my mileage is a fraction of your’s LOL (many 1-mile days). Your trip looked like a fun time 😉
Yep, I knew it was time to quit!
97 days is a great run streak! That was smart to listen to your body and back off even though you were close to 100. Glad you had such a fun weekend away!
Thanks Lisa!
Looks like a great weekend getaway! We’ve talked about going to Bayfield, Ashland, and Madeleine Island–now that my parents sold the Door County place, we’re going to do some exploring. There are so many beautiful places!
That’s funny about viszlas not liking rain. Cocoa, my cocker spaniel, doesn’t even seem to notice it when she gets rained on, lol.
You’re a better run streaker than I would ever be!
You will love Madeline Island! Lots to do, great beach, really cute resort town.
What a beautiful place to camp and run. I love that you were able to take the dogs along and hooray for them loving the hotel so much! I’ve had that first book sitting unread on my Kindle forever. You’ve inspired me to just read it already!
Hah, thanks Marcia! I think the dogs loved the king bed…so much that we finally bit the bullet and ordered a king ourselves!
97 days is amazing for a run streak – be very proud of yourself! I can’t do run streaks because my knees don’t like to run daily, lol. I loved looking at all of your photos the weekend – it looked like such a pretty place for a quick getaway and I love that you could bring the dogs!
Yes, the dogs had a fabulous time! 🙂
It sounds like you had a wonderful time camping and it looks so beautiful there!
I think it would be hard to stop at day 97 of your run streak and not go on to a nice and tidy 100, but you were very smart to listen to your body and give it the rest that I sounds like it needed. High five to you!
Haha, yes a tidy 100 was tempting, but I really was ready for a rest day.
I hadn’t realised you were doing a streak – well done for listening to yourself and stopping when you did! That’s a lot of miles. And thank you for taking us on your trip – how lovely! Hotels are not open here yet, and we don’t drive so we can’t get anywhere anyway – looks like we might just have a staycation this year! What did you think of Such a Fun Age? I read it from NetGalley earlier in the year and found there was lots to think about and it was a great quick read, too. If you… Read more »
97 days. WOW.
787 made me think of all the traveling we’re not doing
Glad you all had a great trip. The leash line is such a great idea.