Matilda my vizsla pup felt a little left out, as she has only done one official race (the Fast & Furry 8k). But even so, she wanted to share some of her own Best (or Worst) Running Experiences.
Hottest Run:
Tilda has run in temperatures in the 90’s, but always nice and easy with lots of water breaks and multiple cool-downs in the lake.
Coldest Run:
She has definitely run in single digits, but always with a jacket. Vizslas are not cold weather dogs!
I think 10 miles is her longest run. I mean, I know we have done 10 mile multiple times, but I can’t remember a particular time that she went longer than that, though I feel like she has gone at least 13.1 with me….let’s just go with 10 miles though since I’m sure that’s happened.
Last week, she was super freaked out by a woman who was sort of hovering by the trees when we were running together in the dark. She got so spooked she actually pulled out of her collar, which caused me to freak out because she was running free! What if she got hit by a car??? I did get her to come back to me, but it was definitely a scare…We decided we need to buy a harness for running with her so she can’t pull out when she’s spooked. Vizslas are easily spooked, that’s for sure!
FYI, we ended up buying THIS Ruffware Front Range Harness, as well as THIS new Stunt Puppy leash with reflective trim to make her more visible when we run in the dark!
Update– unfortunately this new harness chafed her under her arm on an easy 7 mile run. Even dogs get chafing issues when running. We had to return it. Does anyone have another suggestion for a better harness option? Help!
Probably the 10k loop that we do at the cabin. Those country roads are hilly!
Favorite Place to Run:
She always prefers to run off leash…I mean, you can’t beat the pure happiness of running off-leash!
…but when running with us onleash, she loves all the trails around the lakes. She probably knows Calhoun/Isles/Harriet the best, but she doesn’t discriminate against Nokomis, Cedar, Brownie, Hiawatha or any other trails.
German Shepherds. We’re not sure why, but she hates German Shepherds.
Of course, there’s her bff Tin Fish lady.
She also enjoys goose poop, bunnies, squirrels, and anyone who wants to pet her.
If you start the run with another person, you must end with that person. She leaves no man behind. She gets pretty upset if one person turns around and will keep turning back looking for that person.
Another funny thing she does is assume that every blond with a ponytail is me. When she runs with Dustin, she gets excited every time a girl runs by that maybe just might be me. She gets super excited and then she figures out that it’s not me and gets disappointed.
She knows how to make me feel loved.
A Christmas Day run! The past several years, we have gone for an easy run before opening presents and eating an indulgent breakfast. It’s a great way to start the holiday on a healthy note!
FALL! Tilda loves the fall weather. It’s the perfect temperature for her to run- not too hot, not too cold.
I also love running with her in the fall the best because it’s not as wet and muddy as the spring, so she doesn’t have to get a bath after each run. Let me tell you, she kicks up a lot of mud and dirt on her belly in the spring!
I haven’t really tracked this before, but I know that during this round of marathon training for the Outer Banks marathon, she has run at least 30 miles in a week with me.
A cozy nap under her favorite green blanket.
Those are some of Matilda’s Best (or Worst) Running Experiences. Be sure to check out THIS POST and link-up with some of YOUR best (or worst) racing experiences. Can’t wait to read them!
I love this post so much!!!!! I had a giant smile on my face the entire time I read this! I just LOVE Tilda– what a pretty lady! Funny how she and Harvey have so many similarities! Gotta love Vizslas! 🙂 Maybe Harvey will have to do his own Best and Worst link-up post, too. Right after I do mine…ha!
Thanks for another great post! 🙂
Thank you Katie 🙂 I thought you might appreciate this one! Vizslas are the best.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
This is the best! She is a sweet, smart girl… I love that she thinks blondes with ponytails are you and that she leaves no one behind 🙂 My sister’s Lucy LOVES to snuggle under her blanket, too!
Aww, thanks Erin! Vizslas are definitely snuggle bugs. But they do have their quirks 🙂
Have you had a harness in the past? Maybe I’m remembering wrong but I thought Tilda had a harness when we watched her and I took her running at Hyland. We are currently using the Easy Walker harness with Breck for runs and walks (although our mileage is MUCH lower so not sure if that would chafe with higher milieage or not).
Hey Vicki! We did use an easy walk harness before- probably when you guys watch her. But we stopped using it because it chafed her 🙁 I’m not sure anything exists that doesn’t go under her armpit. We’ve been looking a little bit, because I really don’t want her to squeeze out of her collar again, that was scary!
Hello, I commented below…I just found the best harness and am now running with my vizsla all the time with it. If you see my previous post, I had the same problem with the armpit chaffing. With my new harness there is no chaffing because it does not even touch the armpits. I love this harness. I bought it from pet expertise and it is called ruff wear front range. You will need to measure Matilda’s girth around her chest to get the best fit. My vizsla is 63 pounds with a chest girth of 30 inches. I ordered the… Read more »
This was a great blog. I found it because I am trying to research harnesses for my vizsla. I too ordered a harness and it made his under arm is so sore and chaffed. Very frustrating! I am trying to find a quilted one that is softer. Let me know if you have any luck. I run about five days a week with my boy. He is three years old and is the best running partner ever. You can’t beat a vizsla, they are the best!
I’m trying to run with my viszla. However he keeps pulling, mostly because of his prey drive. Do you have anny advice on how to make him keep a slack line while running?