By Cool J in Minneapolis
Christmas was almost a week ago, so this is definitely a little belated. However, I just had to post about our fit fanatic run on Christmas Day!
Running on Christmas morning is a bit non-traditional in itself, but the 0F degree raw temperature and frigid winds made it even more of a fit fanatic event.
There were also cinnamon rolls, eggs, bacon, and toast. Such a lovely treat!
Running on such a cold day almost seemed dangerous. I think I’m pretty tough, but those temperatures were close to my lower limits, and the wind made frostbite an actual possibility. It seemed kind of hard on the body…but we weren’t the only ones out there that morning. There were plenty of other runners, and they all smiled and wished us Merry Christmas!
And despite the cold, it still felt great afterwards! I was glad we did it, and it was special to spend Christmas morning with such good friends, doing what we love to do…RUN!