Starting off this post with a gratuitous picture of Matilda the vizsla. You guys said you wanted more, right? Actually, thanks for all your comments on my naysayers post. I am glad that there are people who find value here! And I definitely don't want to discourage commenters from sharing their opinions- I do welcome a 'healthy' debate, I swear. But it felt good to put it all out there and Continue Reading
Failed Fit: Snowy Run in April
By Cool J in MinneapolisSeriously, Minneapolis? It's April 18th! We should not be in the middle of a blizzard!But we are. This is my house. In April. Fail. But it does look kind of pretty, doesn't it? Maybe if it were December!In fact, I even had to put on the Yak Traks again. The City of Minneapolis is usually really good about plowing the trails, but I think they were a Continue Reading