Since I’m not personally able to test out any new running gear these days, I thought this was the perfect time to do a series of posts featuring your favorite running gear. A crowd-sourced series of the best running gear from voices other than just mine! I’m reaching out to all the runners that I know to share their most favorite running gear; after I’ve shared all the posts, I hope to do one Continue Reading
Functional Fit: Goodbye to Dome Running….
By Jess in MinneapolisGoodbye, Metrodome running. You've been good to us. You've been keeping runners warm for thirty years- long before I moved to Minneapolis and long before I ever would have dreamed of running on a Metrodome concourse in the winter.But the time has come to say goodbye. Tonight was the LAST night of dome running. The dome will soon be torn down to make room for a new Viking Continue Reading
Functional Fit: A Creative Solution for Your Key on a Run
By Cool J in MinneapolisOne of my favorite running companions is this pretty lady, Ms. Matilda Sloan!(Read a few previous posts about running with your pup HERE and HERE)More recently, I have posted about the puzzle of what to do with your key when out for a run.(Read those posts HERE and HERE)My hairstylist/facebook friend/occasional blog commenter (thanks Kol!) saw my post, and sent me the Continue Reading
Functional Fit: Running at the Metrodome
By Cool J in MinneapolisTired of the treadmill? Too cold to run outside? I have just the thing for you....Dome Running!Dome running? What's dome running?I honestly did not know what dome running was myself until I joined the Calhoun Beach Running Club. In fact, I made it through my first year training with the club still not experiencing this elusive "dome running." When I heard Continue Reading