Another week of sheltering-in-place, running solo, working from home, and virtual workouts! This is the new normal, right?
Here’s how I found ‘the right fit’ during this crazy time…
Monday: 8.5 miles before work, 9 min/mile average. Our vet had told us to wait until Ruth was about a year old to run with her; she’ll be 1 year old next month! So I decided to start picking her up at the end of my runs for a little bit of running, and to start working on her leash behavior.
We’ve always been fans of the Stunt Puppy leashes (a Minnesota brand!)
As part of training with her, I made a big deal about saying “we’re going for a RUN” and putting on the running leash so she would hopefully start to associate those words and that leash with different focus than just a leisurely walk.
I would say we still have a lot of work to do, but we’ll get there!

After work, I did a virtual 1:1 training session with one of the Discover Strength trainers; I actually got lucky, and had a session with the founder/owner, Luke. It was tough! He’s definitely one of the best.
Tuesday: Another morning run, this time with some speed: 3 miles easy, 5x(2 minutes at 7:45, 1 minute easy, 1 minute at 5k effort, 2 minutes easy), 2 mile cool-down. 8.5 miles total. Picked up Ruth again for one of the cool-down miles.
Wednesday: 8 miles before work, 8:55 min/mile. Another virtual training session after work with Discover Strength.
Thursday: “Easy mid-week long” on my schedule of 10-11 miles. I just did 10, with the last two with Ruth.
After work, I had a fun virtual happy hour with my running friends; it was so great to see their faces and hear their voices. I miss them!
Friday: I squeezed in a short ‘RUNch’ with Ruth- 3 miles! She had the crazy zoomies afterwards, it was like the run ramped her up!
After work, I did yet another virtual strength session with a Discover Strength trainer. 3 times this week, woo-hoo!
Saturday: Minneapolis took a turn for the cold; I woke up to a temperature of 22 degrees- brrr! It did warm up to the 50’s and the sun was shining, just chilly in the early hours.
I wasn’t looking forward to a long run alone, but I forced myself out the door around 8 am and got started.
My schedule called for 60 minutes easy, then 3×15 minutes at marathon pace with 5 minute jog in between, and then 5 minutes to get to 2 hours total. Based on my route, I ended up with 14.4 miles in 2:08, or an 8:55 min/mile average. The goal marathon sets were progressive from 8:30 down to 8:00.
I chose a route that went through St. Louis Park to Cedar Lake, assuming it wouldn’t be very crowded.
With cooler temperatures AND the fact that Minneapolis opened up even MORE of the parkways to only be for runners/walkers, it was pretty easy to social distance.
Yay Minneapolis!
Even though runners were spaced out, I still had a surprise run into a friend!
Randomly right before I was about to start my first set marathon pace set, Christie called my name- she was starting her long run from her condo downtown and coming up behind me.
It was so nice to see a running friend; we kept our distance; with the roads around the lakes closed to car traffic, we were able to run in the road pretty spaced out from each other. Strava didn’t even register us as running together for those miles! But even though we were quite spaced, just knowing we were both out there working together was reassuring; it felt like the good old days!
Good to see you friend!
Saturday night, Dustin and I cooked a delicious braised pork sauce over pasta (from France 44; they gave us all the ingredients as part of their cook-at-home menu), played a few board games and enjoyed ‘take-and-make’ cocktails from Lawless Distilling Company. We’re still doing takeout, curbside pick-up, and all those things to support our local businesses as best we can!
(Social Distancing Club sweatshirt from HERE.)

Sunday: Dustin and I covered 5-ish miles together and then stopped home to pick up both Ruth and Matilda for about another mile of easy jogging for the whole family!
Earlier on the run, I made a stop at the Lake Harriet troll tree to drop off a few spare rolls of TP & sanitizer for him. 🙂
I think I’ve mentioned the troll tree before; some mysterious kind person responds to every note written to him with a tiny typed letter on sparkly grey paper with adorable tales about his life on Lake Harriet.

I figured a few miniature TP rolls & sanitizer might bring a smile to someone who walks by!

Summary: 58 miles of running, 3 virtual strength training sessions with Discover Strength. Covid running streak of 23 days in a row!
Everyone is saying it, but the pets are really enjoying this sheltering-in-place thing, right? My two velcro vizslas essentially fight to see who can be closer to the humans. 🙂 They’re going to be so sad when we’re not home 24/7 after this thing is over!
I really hope all of you are staying healthy and safe during this stressful time. It’s great to have the ability to stay connected virtually and support each other; this link-up hosted by Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner ‘s is a great way to do so! Check it out below:
I love that you’re able to do 1:1 training sessions with Discover Strength – that’s so cool! Some of the coaches from my studio have been doing the OTF at home workouts on Instagram live which has been nice. It’s always good to see a friendly face.
I’ve seen so many dogs on my video calls for work. It’s such a nice distraction especially if the call is boring lol
I love your social distancing sweatshirt!
Thanks Kim! Yes, seeing the dogs and cats on conference calls is always a highlight!
I was so excited when I saw a friend across the street this week too. I miss my run crew so much. Way to keep up your schedule this week. hope it warms up for you too. Have a safe and healthy week ahead. Thanks for joining us
Thanks for hosting!
Our dog is in heaven with two walks a day. We almost never eat out with the kids but now we’re doing a dedicated take out night once a week. We’re saving money in so many other places with all of the things that we aren’t doing right now that’s for sure.
Agreed! I’m saving sadly on travel, but also no work lunches/coffees/parking…takeout is fun too 🙂
We’ve already commented that Cocoa is going to have a nervous breakdown when this is all over–she loves everyone being here with her! Plus she’s getting a lot of walks.
You had a great week of running! I’m curious about discover strength–is it local? I’m going to contact my coach to see if she can do some home workouts for me.
I love that sweatshirt–where did you find it?
Discover Strength is local; I used to go to the studios twice a week, but with the virtual classes, they are allowing 3x week because the workouts probably aren’t QUITE as intense (and the price is a little lower too.) Anyone could try a free virtual workout, even if not in Minnesota! For me, it’s been a great way to keep up the routine of strength. I’m not as good about pushing myself in strength (or even doing it). I can push myself with running just fine, but get lazy with strength!
I’ve been running by my friends houses in hopes that I get to see them in person. We’ve texted and done zoom chats but I miss seeing them in person. My dog Max is in heaven with everyone home. He’s never had so many runs and walks in his day!
It’s so different to see people in person!
Glad Max is enjoying the quarantine!
Wow! You get a lot of really speedy miles in. Good for you! I hope Ruth is a good running partner for you. Our dog Benji was about 5 years old when we got him and he never really became a good runner. He could run but not at the pace or direction I wanted to go! 🙂 He used to love long walks, though. Now he’s 14 and pretty pokey. That’s OK. He reminds me to slow down sometimes!
Ruth has a ton of energy, so I definitely think she’ll like running!
14 is a good life for a pup!
Where did you find that tiny toilet paper? What a cute idea!
How cool that Ruth is starting to run with you and I love that you all went for a family run. 🙂
Stay safe and have a great week!
It’s from a dollhouse company; I wish I were crafty enough to make it myself 🙂
Great week! Our oldest daughter is currently working form home, and her dog is SOOO happy! I’m glad my friend, Barb, and I can still run together (socially distanced, of course). We’re out on the roads when there’s no traffic (or hardly any), so we can spread across the width of the road LOL
We could probably run together at a distance, but we’re following the recommendations as best we can so nothing gets taken away from us! Mornings are always easier to space out. I’m worried to run after work tonight…it’s going to be 70 in Minneapolis, but was storming this morning, so I have to go after! Scary!
I’m so jealous of your closed roads! I really wish they would do that here. Scooby definitely knows when we’re going for a run. I do use a different leash now, but before I think he knew from my pre-run routine.
The closed roads are awesome!
I can SEE why they’re called velcro. I chuckled at that on your or their insta the other day. Nicely done on getting Ruth started running – an unexpected benefit of being home. Pyppy zoomies are the best
Puppies zoomies are hilarious! She seriously gets ramped up from the run and goes nuts for 5 minutes when she gets home 🙂
Wow! That’s a whole lotta miles. You are definitely keeping yourself active! I love that you were able to run with both dogs, too. Great that paths are open to runners/walkers. I just hate getting out there when it’s early & still cold — although thankfully we’re not as cold as you in the mornings! Yes, the dogs really like the fact that the pack is almost always together. Although apparently Bandit gets extremely anxious when I’m out running (he’s an anxious dog in general, and he’s MY dog — even if he rarely lays on me, or even with… Read more »
All the miles are keeping me sane! The mornings should be warmer here now, we’re going to hit 70 today!
All the best with Ruth learning to run with you. So fun and I know she’ll love it! How nice to run into a friend, even at a distance. Every time you talk about running around the lake I think of the Twin Cities Marathon! Great memories there!
Aww, so glad you enjoyed Twin Cities so much!
Glad your area seems to be following social distancing rules. Tampa not so much lol. The runners are fine but I did a popular route on Saturday to mix it up from all the neighborhood running I’d been doing and the cyclists were the WORST. They are still riding in packs! I’m afraid if they continue to do it Parks and Rec will shut down the few remaining areas we have to get out and run.
Ugh, why would people do that? Follow the rules people or you’re going to ruin it for us all!
Ruth! My girl!
That troll tree is adorable! I love it!
Florida has been quite special when it comes to social distancing. Grrr. However, we are doing our part. Our sidewalks are generally pretty empty, and we scoot out of the way of others and vice versa if someone does show up on our path.
We really haven’t strayed from our actual bubble, which is becoming suffocating, but we understand the greater good.
Glad you have sidewalks where people are behaving…frustrating that others haven’t been good about it there though 🙁
Agreed- its a bit suffocating to be so close to home so much…but its all for the greater good.
I love that sweatshirt! Wow, 58 miles? That is great! I think my cats are also happy that I am home. Lola isn’t very affectionate but once in a while she’ll climb up and wants to be held. But only for a few seconds because then she jumps off. 🙂 Still, I know she loves me. Do you normally do a strength session after a long/hard workout? I am just curious. I don’t strength train but figured right now is the perfect time to do it but not sure how to fit it in my schedule.
I usually run in the morning and strength train second/later in the day. I try to strength train on the same day as a speed workout, but it doesn’t always work that way. But strength trainings so important! Especially for runners!
That’s super exciting that your pup will be 1 soon and ready to run! I’m a Minnesotan too and Stunt Puppy makes such AWESOME running dog stuff 🙂 I think my dog’s leash is called the Stunt Runner. Keep up the consistent workouts! I’m just glad our snow is finally starting to melt up north! It looks like your snow is gone! Ours was… until we were nailed with 12 inches on April 2nd. These warm temps are helping to melt now ::)
Awww, your doggies are so cute! So what language is that on the park sign? I’ve never seen it before!
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